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Posts posted by GrayLightning

  1. Aren't you one of the Judges?

    I think you have me confused with someone else. 8)

    The other one is a member of a very prestigious fanclub. :D

    Anyway, I heard this some months ago and I agree with some of Israfel's comments on the mix. His reaction was my first reaction as well. To be brief, I enjoyed this and jared already knows my thoughts on this. Very good work regardless. 8)

  2. Not the kind of genre I like, but the inclusion of the Alex Kid melody is enough to get me interested. This was one of the first platformers I ever played, so it was nice to hear this again. Not a bad piece given how old it is. I'm sure this was much more impressive when it was first released by DJP. It has aged fairly well. Regular listeners may want to check out DJP's newer mixes, but this is a fun listen all the same.

    DJP care for a janken match? ^_^

  3. This has aged well. ^_^ Two things make this piece for me. The very cool throwback to the past synth strings that start the mix. This has character. The second is in the temple of fiends section with the interplay between the bells and strings. For me, the other three themes in this mix cap off the highlighted portion. The entire mix is just flows nicely from theme to theme. Solid work.

  4. Wow. 8O

    This is certainly deserving of all the positive comments it has gotten. Excellent guitar playing by Vig, really excellent. The soundscape is littered with instruments of synth and acoustic. Perfect instrument selection. I particularly like the bass and strings in this mix. The jazz sections are pulled off very well. This is very authentic stuff. There's really nothing to complain about here either. Overall, extremely high quality work Vig. I look forward to your next mix.

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