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Posts posted by Animaster

  1. Cool. Along with Osaka, I find Sakaki to be rather funny as well with her obsession with cats and cuteness. Of course I love cats as well(you would be surprised at how many I have).

  2. Yeah, I saw that. I wish there were more entries. Paper Mario was a fun game and one of my favorite Mario RPGs. It's also the only one with Bowser as the main antagonist, which is unusual for a Mario RPG game.

    Come think, another track I'd like ReMixed would be Crystal Palace. It's cool and creepy.

  3. How come nobody's ever done a remix of a Paper Mario track for the main site? I'd love to hear something from the game as it had some really good songs. Any track will do, if I wanted anything in particular, I'd like to hear Boo's Mansion or Shy Guy's Toybox. Genre doesn't matter, just go with what sounds best. There's no time limit and I don't expect it anytime soon.

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