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Posts posted by TreeFrogTrav

  1. Hey everyone!

    This is my first remix attempt (at least that I'm posting for others to hear.) It's a remix of "Valkyrie's Launch" from Sega's underplayed, borderline unheard of Xbox game GunValkyrie. The games biggest accomplishment was its ridiculous learning-curve.

    Haven't played it? No problem, neither have I!

    The original song (by Teruhiko Nakagawa and Tatsuyuki Maeda) is a stomping, angry, warpath tune with just a hint of optimism. My remix, on the other hand, is eerie in an lonely outer-space pop song kinda way and if I had to describe it game-aphorically I'd say it was a mix between something from Super Metroid and Cid's Theme from FF7.

    The OST is here:


    And here is the original song on Youtube:

    Lone Valkyrie (my mix):


    :tomatoface:I do like criticism (makes the world better, ya know), so please give me some feedback! :tomatoface:

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