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Gaunt's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Have for trade: Industrial Festivizer (new engie hat) Want: any of the new medic or soldier hats
  2. Not until Saturday for me. Also, the "buddy" for this team is http://steamcommunity.com/id/mesr. My memory tells me he is going to be good.
  3. My thought is he is being a dick and I have no problem taking a win by forfeit from them.
  4. I expect to be available.
  5. Is that CET (central european)? If so, that is GMT +1. So 2:30 CET = 8:30 EST (I believe)
  6. Frogg: 94,659 34d 21:05:13h = 113.09 PPH Scythe: 55,560 7d 16:01:22h = 301.95 PPH Necro: 51,708 28d 15:22:35h = 75.15 PPH Me: 50,445 13d 18:57:03h = 152.40 PPH Miyako: 48,507 21d 05:35:41h = 96.24 PPH Neet: 31,614 2d 20:40:29h = 464.91 PPH By the way, these stats have nothing to do with skill.. they're pretty arbitrary as to how they decide what is worth what. Also my numbers are rounded a little so the PPH is not 100% accurate, I'll leave the stats for Fireslash.
  7. Stats needs a "points per hour" column...
  8. Wife's birthday. Later the better (to make sure she is fast asleep). Also, for next week: traveling for business and not available at all the night of the 12th and the night of the 14th.
  9. Australium (Gold)
  10. I got a dropped one last night. Unlocked it into a can of paint. Meh. Will trade if anyone is interested. When you get the crate, the mouse hover tells you what it can contain. Mine was something like 3-4 of the standard unlocks (sandman, backburner, etc), two different cans of paint, and two of the new hats. They make it seem just worthwhile enough to spend $2.50 on the key. Edit: I have a second crate. Taking offers.
  11. UPDATE!!! http://www.teamfortress.com/mannconomy/ appears to be live AS WE SPEAK. Not that we are actually speaking in that sense.
  12. Umm... why do we show as having a loss? http://etf2l.org/high/group-phase/ (group 207)
  13. Done. Thank the good lord for the instructions posted earlier, they make that way more difficult than it needs to be.
  14. 99 Sentries: Took the whole round to build. http://www.nqaclan.com/fastdownload/tf/images/cp_freight_final10007.jpg http://www.nqaclan.com/fastdownload/tf/images/cp_freight_final10008.jpg http://www.nqaclan.com/fastdownload/tf/images/cp_freight_final10009.jpg
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