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  1. I'm referring to the small mic input jack, the one that appears on some computers. Thanks for all the recommendations so far, looking into them. Despite that, don't be afraid to post if you've got something to add, because I'm still evaluating my options.
  2. Hello. I'm somewhat new to recording real life sounds and have encountered an issue. I got a mic a little while back that is very good, but the problem is finding a device to record the sounds captured by the mic into. The only thing I have that can do that is my computer, and the problem with using my computer is twofold. 1 - My computer has a loud ass fan that can be heard durring the recordings. I can use my audio editing software to reduce this but lower frequency sounds are also cut. 2 - I can't record anything that isn't in the same room as my computer . So, I'm looking for a non-expensive device that accepts the circular mic jack (the one that looks almost exactly the same as the headphone jack) and records it to some sort of writable media (preferably a cd). Really a simple request, the only other real caveat is that I want the sounds to be pretty high quality, in other words nothing that can only record sounds at a low sample rate. This seems like a pretty simple thing to find, but surprisingly I couldn't find anything that fits this description. So, I'm posting here in the hopes that someone more knowledgeable on the subject could fill me in or possibly recommend a better solution to the problem.
  3. Hello. I am a newbie using garageband who is thinking about getting more serious. Considering I'm on a power PC macintosh, pretty much my only option is Logic. However, there are two different versions, and I cannot decide which one I should get. Considering that I am looking only to compose midi style and I have little interest in recording real instruments, which one should I get? Logic Studio definitely has a lot of cool stuff that Express is missing, but at the same time it also has things that are useless to me, including the other 2 applications bundled with it. So, are the extra features in Studio worth the extra 300 bucks that I could use to buy a keyboard controller, or are the extra 300 bucks you spend on Studio really worth it? Speaking of which: keyboard controllers. I'm looking for something cheap, especially if I'm getting Logic Studio, that has a fairly large range of keys (like, 3 octaves or more). Honestly, I just want something that can easily get notes into my computer, so fancy sliders and knobs are optional. Also, if there are any other DAWs for Power PC macs that you would recommend other then Logic, feel free to mention them.
  4. Hello, I've been listening to the wonderful remixes provided on this site and thought it would be fitting to join the community. Everyone on this forum seems really interesting and looking forward to some good times.
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