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Everything posted by CourtesyKing

  1. Yes, I was. I've never submitted anything to OCremix and was hoping that you liked my material so far. I have more songs than just this one, too. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/181359 That's a remix of Mining Melancholy from Donkey Kong Country 2. Alright, I don't know if I'm doing this right... but where should I be posting this?
  2. Our Final Hours used to be called Luna Vendo until I recently updated it. My composition may not carry the same sadness and despair that the first had, but it does have a dramatic sound to it. It's currently hosted on newgrounds and I have a little more of the description there. I hope you all like it. =] Enjoy! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/222436
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