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Posts posted by Jedihillis

  1. Thanks for the input guys! Flex, we'll it's nice to have another AZ resident here on the boards. :-) Glendale eh? I'm actually living in Tempe on Mill Ave so you can see why ASU was the easy choice for me ;-)

    I should clarify something really quick: With where it stands right now, I'm currently heading into the last year of a Communications Degree. I've dabbled around in ASU's Digital Art's program and found it wanting. My plan thusfar is to finish my COM degree (because I've been sorta dillying around in college for a while now) and then look for a great school for my masters or whatever. I'm not sure if the colleges you guys are mentioning are undergrad only or if they'll take someone like me into their master's program. I guess I can do that research myself, but I'm not against moving to find the right school.

    Initially, I was thinking of USC because it's close by (relatively) and USC has a game design program. Not sure if that includes a music program or music gaming program, but I'm sure they have something similar. Again, I just want to do what's best for me. I feel like I have a lot of potential just waiting to be exploited. I don't want to dabble around with 2nd tier programs and professors.

  2. Hey guys. I'm fairly new to these forums and have only posted a few times in the last year, so I apologize ahead of time if this has been discussed elsewhere.

    I'm curious if there are any schools out there that specialize in sound design and/or digital composing (like what we do here, on OCremix) that you guys would recommend? I'd really love to compose music for video games and/or film as a career and I kind of need some help getting pointed in the right direction. I'm currently living in Arizona, attending ASU and I've come to the realization that they don't have the level of instruction in their programs that I feel is necessary to give me the edge.

    Any help or suggestions would be great. If it's not obvious already, I'm fairly new in this field so even basic tips would be of use. I do have a musical background, but haven't taken any music classes since high school.

    Thanks ahead of time for any help offered! I love what goes on here and hopefully I can be a contributor in the near future. :-)

  3. I'm brand new to the forums but I've been a fan of OD remix for a couple years now, ever since I heard Voices of the Lifestream.

    I have a musical background and am also interested in Sound Engineering/mixing/editing.

    What's a good way to get started doing a mix for this site? I have a Macbook pro and would appreciate some recommendations for programs that would help a beginner. Thanks in advance!

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