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Posts posted by Verdegrand

  1. hi, sorry that i post into this thread so late, but i'd like to say something about this. i know that channels that have no connection to vgm, ocremix, remixers or cover channels get friendship invites from ocremix. so, do you guys go around youtube searching for random channels and just send them invites? that looks rather like a bot or crawler system that's doing that, there are systems that extract channel names and then send them invites, and those are prohibited by the youtube terms of use. i guess they changed some stuff and the invite send frequency that worked fine for a long time was over the new threshold and that triggered a ban. but yeah i am just speculating here. i would still be interested what motivates you to send friendship invitations all across youtube, even to channels that are completely unrelated to vgm.

    anyway, many greetings

  2. Hello,

    in the rules it says:

    3. Any incorporation or arrangement of source material not from games (mainstream, classical, etc.) should be extremely limited.

    So I basically wanted to ask - if a source would imho SCREAM for a certain classical theme to be inserted in way that is a "citation" (quickly bring the theme for rather humorous purposes to show the composer must have thought of this theme, then move away from it), not taking more than 20 seconds in a piece that is around 2-3 minutes, would that be ok?

    many greetings

  3. Hello,

    thanks for that link! There's a wholy legion of Castlevania CDs out there, wow.

    As for the composers, that link doesn't really help me, but on the contrary, intensifies the confusion. Let's take Castlevania III, for example.

    On this page:


    it states the composer of 'Beginning' as one Hidenori Maezawa.

    On OCRemix, it states the composers as

    Jun Funahashi, Yoshinori Sasaki, Yukie Morimoto

    And on the link that you provided (e.g., here http://www.squareenixmusic.com/albums/d/draculabest1.shtml), it gives the production credits to:

    Hidenori Maezawa, Jun Funahashi, Yukie Morimoto

    which removes Yoshinori Sasaki from OCRemix's list and adds one Hidenori Maezawa.

    So it's very confusing. Is there someone in here who actually knows about the composers?

  4. Hello,

    I'm having a hard time finding out who composed certain tracks, or even finding out who was part of a composing team because I find different information, depending on where I look. I am specifically looking for the composers of the following tracks:

    Theme of Simon Belmont

    Death Fair (Castlevania Adventure)


    Vampire Killer

    Bloody Tears

    Here is what I have found so far from the information available at OCR:

    Theme of Simon Belmont: Masanori Adachi, Taro Kudou

    Death Fair: Hidehiro Funauchi, Kazuo Hanzawa, Shigeru Fukutake

    Beginning: Jun Funahashi, Yoshinori Sasaki, Yukie Morimoto

    Vampire Killer: Kinuyo Yamashita

    Bloody Tears: Kenichi Matsubara, S. Terashima

    In Wikipedias's Castlevania article, it says in regards to Bloody Tears:

    first composed by the team of Kenichi Matsubara, Masahiro Ikariko, Kazuhiko Uehara and T-San
    (What does the "T." stand for, does anyone know the name?)

    Regarding the other pieces, is it possible to say exactly who of the two or three names actually composed that one single track? I supposed the groups of names are just the names written in the credits for the entire sound programming. I mean, similarly to Chrono Trigger, where it is possible to exactly say whick tracks were composed by Uematsu and which ones by Mitsuda, would it be possible to do the same in regard to the Castlevania tracks?

    Many greetings

  5. Hi,

    So I am thinking of submitting some piano stuff to OCR sometime, and I would like to at least not screw up in regard to the submission guidelines, so I have quite a few questions because I am not sure about some things:

    First of all, it says that the arrangement must be substantial and original. It counts different instrumentation as a technique for an acceptable arrangement. So, let's say there is a piece from a game, and it is not looped. Would reproducing it on the piano as faithfully as it is possible for me without many more modifcations to the actual musical content count as an acceptable arrangement? Also, it says that an acceptable entry would be at least two minutes long. If the piece itself is shorter than that (around 1:50), that would obviously constitute an exception, or am I mistaken here?

    Now for another question for other pieces. Can there be an exception to the 8mb rule? What if I would like to make a piano medley with many different themes which would be around ten minutes or longer - if I had to size the mp3 at around 8 mb, I would have to downsample and the quality would suffer a lot. (I have understood that medleys need to be set up in a way that they sound continuous.)

    Also, if I submit something to OCR, can I still use it in any way I see fit (upload recordings of it to YouTube, use it as a soundtrack for self made fan videos etc.)?

    Many greetings

  6. Hello Dhsu!

    Thanks for the reply! And thanks for that link. In the past, I have more than once tried to convert midi files to sheets, but the result is always a mess that was always far away from how it is supposed to be. Plus, this midi is a different version from the final one. It lacks the entire final passage including the flourish that precedes it. It is definitely interesting to see how this piece evolved. There are some other versions from other pieces on this page as well. Yet I can't do anything with this midi. Thanks for getting back to me, though. Are these two pages (his yahoo showcase and your link) the only sites with works from him? Do you or does anyone know anything else about him? The more I delve into his work, the more it drives me insane and it breaks my heart that I don't know anything about him as a person.

    BTW your Clockwork Vampire is awesome ~:}

    Many greetings

  7. Hi everyone,

    this is my first post so please forgive me if this should be out of place, but I didn't want to revive a two year old thread. I am looking for information on the remixer zohar. I found this thread


    I am specifically looking for sheets for his Corridors of Time piano solo arrangement, but not as pdf, but as files for any music notation program so that the music can be edited. I recall having seen a file like this for this specific arrangement somewhere on the net, but that was long ago and I can't find it again. He seems to be gone, he doesn't reply to messages and I can't believe he doesn't get more recognition. Does someone happen to know how he is doing, how to contact him, or would someone (this is very inprobable, but let me try...) actually have a music notation file for his arrangement?

    many greetings

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