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Everything posted by whilst

  1. ok, well i just finished my fourth listen...and I have one small complaint. no, two: 1. Why weren't the tracks longer!? They could've been longer. Everyone wants more!! 5 minutes should be the bare minimum. 2. I was kinda waiting for one track to work itself into the next, oh well. Not necessary though. Overall? 9.8/10 <-- A+ !! 4.0 GPA! with distinction.
  2. you'll prob have to convert it unless you have rockbox installed on your mp3 player. basically it's a lossless compression of .wave files...sorta like a zip file. except you can play .flac files in VLC and other various programs ------ yay torrent! except my d/l speed isn't super super fast we need more seeders!! -------- yay project! so pumped.
  3. by the way, the trailer is really great! music previews sound great! so do the vocal tracks! and the art! 3 hours and 20 min left!
  4. no no no it's up but the HD option and stuff. cant wait for this !!less than 5 hours.
  5. we just had to remove the video from youtube... i was just having fun fun fun. i knew this would happen. so i downloaded it
  6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok!
  7. is it coming out today [monday]? like they said in that podcast...? or tuesday
  8. i'll post the release news to my facebook. and then comment on it 30x so that it appears in everyone's friend feed. muhaha!
  9. hooray. now only a matter of time...
  10. do you want four walls and adobe slabs too?
  11. it sounds amazing!!! really great job to everyone. this teaser is working. WE WANTS IT lole
  12. haha! my turn: remix and win, ok eleven !!! wooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawowowowowowoowowowoowowwowow. yum.
  13. by the way, i can mirror the finished files, if you'd like me to. i wouldn't mirror the mp3 files, i assume our lovely coordinators have that already set up, but i wouldnt mind hosting the FLAC files. I could make a small text page with short instructions on how to burn or listen. direct links, of course.
  14. Will you be playing the game on 'hard' difficulty? And yeah lost world levels are insaneeeeeeee.
  15. DarkeSword Edit: This was split from the DKC2 album thread. Feel free to organize your speedruns/races in this thread. in the meantime you guys should watch the speed runs on speeddemosarchive. they still amaze me every time i watch them. i'm playing dkc again! i just beat dkc2, so i'll start it again if i finish dkc before this comes out.
  16. ah i'm so excited! commence countdown! yooo wesley, let me know when you send out physical copies. i will hire a man to intercept the package and bring it to me! ha.
  17. djp, for strength and honor
  18. well i think when it comes to donating it's really about how you value three things (at the moment). 1. DKC2 2. Music 3. Money. I like dkc2 a lot, i've been playing music since elementary school, and 40 bucks was just 5 hours of work saved up (i'm only a frosh in college). It really just depends on how you look at it. Do you guys donate to wikipedia when Jimmy Wales asks? I've put a decent amount of effort into it for a few years: (Wikipedia 1.0), so I do. Anyway, if you wanna read my garbage ^^^ up there, feel free. ok: YAY RELEASE DATE!!! I might've missed it before but, is there a promotional banner that we could post to a blog or something to link to the completed project page?
  19. ah! i typed whatever came to my mind and posted. good catch! edited. nooooooo that's what i was hoping to avoid with this subject, don't call him dumb. we all had to learn at some point, it really just comes down to how interested you are in the subject. i'm sure now that he is informed he won't post those statements again. it's all for the greater good... (Hot Fuzz reference)
  20. I'll just explain real quick why FLAC would be the better choice: 1. mp3 is a lossy format, FLAC is not [it is indeed lossless], it keeps the original quality of the wav file, where as mp3 cuts away some of the stuff humans can't hear (most humans) and uses it's own compression algorithm. Think of FLAC as a zipped WAV file...but playable. 2. FLACs are easily burnable to CDs by using many many many programs which support FLAC. I reccomend Burrrn. To play FLAC files just use VLC media player. 3. Another benefit is that you can archive all of your wav files (backing up cds, for example) and save a lot of room. Once you convert to mp3, converting back to WAV is detrimental to the audio. I hope the explanation helped.
  21. Just a suggestion, when this gets released and gets its own torrent I think there should be a torrent with both mp3 and flac files. that way people can just choose which ones they want. I think what's most preferred is mp3 at v0 quality (~320kbps) and flac files with a .cue file to be used to burn proper audio CDs. Also, is there a preferred method of linking to (from a blog/website) the project website upon completion?
  22. Ha I'm sure everyone will get sent it. I just sent wesley cho more $$$ to reach the quota. I hope my donation helped you guys reach your goal!! I wanna say it also "pays tribute to my childhood video game" but I was only 5 when my uncle introduced it to me. If anything I just enjoyed watching other people play it and collect bananas...hahaha.
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