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Everything posted by ELC1837

  1. ? What do you mean by "jumbled mess"? If you're talking about the delay-echo, it's mostly there for a rough translation of beeps to fake instruments (a template of sorts I assure you), and it just so happens its creates a Dreamweaver-esque vibe, especially in the intro. And yes, the denoiser did take a bit of it out: my mistake was probably selecting the entire track for the noise profile instead of either of the solo bass sections. Anyhow, my plan is to create a fairly simple remix [remastered?] (very little rearranging, if any) by matching instuments up to channel+portions, ultimately creating something like a sci-fi/horror theme. Violin, guitar, and bass (maybe electric: not sure yet) will be definite inclusions, as will another instrument to simulate the more electronic sounds (for some reason, I'm thinking a high-pitched synthesizer). I'm listening to for a bit of inspiration regarding instruments needed, but I'm open to suggestions.
  2. @ Overcoat: I agree with you that the grittiness sounds great on the original, but after applying a few echoes (on audacity, it's effect>delay>3-num-0.2-delay-2-decay), the remix just sounds too busy within the lower dB range, so the grittiness just doesn't sound good without noise removal. Though I'll have to try Yoozer's advice and work from editing channels separately instead. @ Yoozer: Sweet: I'll have to try look into Reaper as well. The only problem I have with using audacity so far is that it's impossible selecting a particular part of the song (either certain duration or a particular channel), which is a pretty big problem for me. Thanks for the links.
  3. Hosting through mediafire now: see OP for link.
  4. ...did I mention I'm terrible at discerning what's intentional and what's just low quality hardware/software manifesting as bugs?...Well, in the case of the remix I'm working on, the low synth winds up sounding more like a distraction pre-bass boost and noise removal and post-other edits (slower tempo, lower pitch, delay-echo, fades at the ends)...perhaps I should ask for 2nd opinion though. EDIT: About the pre-boost/noise filtering version, that is.
  5. Monty on the Run from Martians [remix] Yes, cheesy title: couldn't think of a more appropriate title without either going into Panic at the Disco length titles or multiple copyrights. Anyhow, this is my first "remix", taking an 8-bit track and modifying it with Audacity, and I like the result. I'd still need some feedback though: particularly comparing the butchered bass-line of the remix to the grittiness of the original (which doesn't translate well with the edits made) and seeing which is the lesser of two evils. EDIT: hosting through mediafire now.
  6. So I've decided to try my hand at "editing" 8-bit and 16-bit tracks with Audacity (I haven't looked into FruityLoops yet). Unfortunately, for some tracks,there is a bit of grittiness (for lack of awareness of a more professional term): . And using noise removal ends up killing bits and pieces of the bass, so it's been tricky at best working with it.Currently I'm amplifying the bass then using minimal noise removal, but some of the bass is still compromised. Any suggestions, generic or specific to audacity?
  7. Dynamite Headdy - You're Izayoi <a href=" ">YouTube video</a>Ristar - Greedy Game <a href=" ">YouTube video</a>I apologize for the lack of download links: most of the downloads I found online were just ripped from the YouTube video itself, and I wasn't sure whether or not that was frowned upon here or not. Also, sorry for the first post being a remix thing: I'm not musically talented myself, and playing with audacity is tricky at best. Anyhow, I thought these two songs went together very well, and it'd be interesting to hear a remix that actually combines the two. However, I have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever, so I'll leave it up to the discretion of the remixer which parts to actually use (I was thinking the build-up in Greedy Game would go great into You're Izayoi, though now I'm not sure). Thanks.
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