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Everything posted by Necro

  1. That sounds correct. The link on the page gives the current CET time. http://etf2l.org/ I looked through the rules and we can change the time from default if we can get both teams to agree. 1.3 Separate schedule & match deadline for every match – Default Date for unscheduled matches Every match has its own schedule and match deadline. All deadlines can be found on our [Calendar] or at the [Events] subpage. If a match is not arranged by the schedule deadline, admins will decide a default match date. After that, a match date can only be changed if both teams agree on another date or if one team takes a wildcard. http://etf2l.org/rules/general-rules/
  2. I just was looking through the ETF2L site and it looks like our team got slapped with a default time for the match. It defaulted to Nov 22, Monday, 02:30. http://etf2l.org/matches/23973/ I think that may be 2:30 AM here.
  3. I am able to make the time of 6:30 PM Eastern. Central time here so that's only 5:30 PM. Out of curiosity what is the default match time in case the teams can't decide? I thought it was 1:00 PM CET but cannot find the page that confirms this.
  4. I just posted an announcement on the Team Overclocked Remix Steam Community thing so we can set up some available times. I am lucky enough to have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings available this week. To note, yes this team is from Brazil. I attempted to log onto a server one of the team leaders was playing on. I pinged in at 200-300 with several disconnects. The man in question (Ota) top fragged which means that we are at least going up against pub stars. Final note: Thanks Powerlord for setting up the server.
  5. A TF2 auction site just went up and I thought I would share the information. It looks better than the SPUF thread about trading but I haven't had a chance to try it out. http://www.tf2auctions.com/
  6. It is a fantastic game. I loved it. They took all the good from Penumbra and made it better in Amnesia. Frictional has gotten the fear thing down pretty well. They also recently released the software development kit for the game. This means that we will soon be seeing custom stories on the Amnesia engine. I suggest playing through the game twice because you miss some things the first time around.
  7. Jump on the server anytime. The regulars are friendly and will gladly assist you and answer questions. Try all the classes and find what you like. I think that the synergy is made to come from using the set with the Dead Ringer. The Letranger allows you to take pot shots while refilling your cloak while the set bonus allows you to decloak anywhere. This allows you to get a new disguise every time you decloak. I think that the basic idea would be. Feign death Get backstab Shoot enemy that notices you Feign death again. The Letranger goes great on its own actually. If you decloak early it only takes 2 shots to get a full cloak due to recharge and remaining cloak.
  8. He's a good amphibian. I will miss not being able to pinpoint your exact location from halfway across the map because of the decloak sound. The fun part is that you are going to have to use your gun more than you prefer. I'm calling this now, once Polycount items are no longer banned in competition the Saharan Spy set will become widely used with the cloak and dagger. They will force a Pyro into play just to clean an area of back-caps. It's a good weapon for harassing (bad) Scouts, Medics, and Pyros. You will notice the lack of firepower against any of the heavier classes though. It works well as a tagging weapon meaning you slow them down, your team finishes them off. It works well in tandem with a Soldier any high DPS class. Also, not my opinion, it is probably the most annoying weapon to play against.
  9. Exactly. Hlstatsx doesn't give Medics the proper amount of points based on their usefulness and that data is skewed in the direction of who gets the most kills. Heavy naturally gets the most kills and always has, thus Frogg has double the score of the next rank. The points are a very weak link to skill and should not be seen as viable data on player skill.
  10. That date will be good for me, I have that day off. Has UGLY agreed upon any dates?
  11. Got an IP?
  12. Sounds like you visited a NightTeam server or a Saigns.de server Paranoid. Personally, I like a bit of SOAP deathmatch to practice airshots and have recently grown fond of ctf_bball.
  13. Is that a custom model? Or was it secretly shipped in an update? Also, I will be unavailable for scrims from the 22-29 due to me being in Texas without a computer.
  14. Out of curiosity does anyone have demos of the match against Atmuh? I would like to look over them.
  15. Since we are all talking about Badlands jumps here's the rollout for Soldier and Demo.
  16. Thanks Atmuh.
  17. I believe that Brushfire will have to invite you to the team since he is the team leader for the OCR Team2.
  18. I also seem to be lost as far as finding a "Join this Team" button.
  19. Actually professionals are not allowed in this highlander competition from the looks of it. There are likely a enough people on OCR to make at least two teams.
  20. I think you are all neglecting the best cloak in the game, the revolver. The revolver is the only cloak that can kill enemies just by pointing at them. Unfortunately, due to a coding error on Valve's part the revolver cloak is used with Mouse1 instead of Mouse2. But the revolver lasts longer than all the other cloaks and can recharge with ammo as well, easily making it the best cloak.
  21. You should try a high FPS config. I stumbled upon this one which actually looks pretty good for a config. http://fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/ And screenshots. http://fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/screenshots.htm
  22. I don't think I would mind Dustrush if it didn't have some large flaws. It is a small map which gives power to explosive classes and those with area denial. (Engineer, Demoman, Soldier) The maps tend to last a long period of time which tends to become a competition of suppressive firepower. The map also cancels out the usefulness of certain classes. (Scout, Offensive Pyro, Endgame Spy) When you include the fact that you will always need a Medic to play this map it just feels very routine. It seems like the game boils down to who has the best Uber or the most Ubers. Actually, the best way to play Dustbowl offense is as follows. 3 Medics 3 Soldiers 2 Demomen 2 Heavies 1 Engineer 1 Utility The Ubers cascade which basically results in a brute force attack on a TF2 scale.
  23. Actually that's not the first time that he tried to log on. He was actually banned earlier by the console while the server was full on Tuesday due to consistency violations. Chili was on at the time so I warned him when I noticed that he was logging on. As Atmuh pointed out, he uses a Source Mod exploit to change the timescale and speed hack. Does KAC ban anyone that doesn't have the correct files that sv_pure checks?
  24. Stripping the floor? That's two strange innuendos out of you this week. If I spent five days waxing my floor I would chafe. Also, nice picture Miyako. How did you manage to string me up like a marionette?
  25. That is the weirdest innuendo I have ever heard. Actually the Demo was made to be the most versatile class from the commentary. Looking at the achievements we can see that there are varied purposes among the Demo. It's not so much that the Demo is OP but that he has a very high degree of usefulness in the hands of a good player. This only increases on tight maps like Goldrush where there is effectively only one front. One person said that deleting the Team Fortress 2 folder and letting the game rebuild it was a way to fix the glowing cart issue. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1356735
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