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Posts posted by Skyggesang

  1. I'll shoot a little something your way...

    This is a pretty solid track. I feel a couple of lead synths may have been a little lacking in punchiness, but over all they fit well. Having the kick panned is new to my ears and I'm not so sure it's a good idea. Generally, kick goes right up center. Also, the cymbals at 2:50 sounded a little shoddy and could prob benefit from a little patch switching. Other than that, I think the track sounds fine. However, I'm a little out of my genre, so someone else will have to give you some genre specific feedback. Good luck :-)

    As far as I know, I haven't panned the kick drum? Strange... maybe I made a mistake somewhere, I'll have a look when I revise the track. But, as you stated correctly without a doubt, kicks should be in the middle.

    I'll also have a look at the leads. As I'll mention below, taking out bass will help already, I think.

    Thank you. :-)

    Myspace pages tend to be bloated with all the "cool" features of the site, so it's not really a great place to host tracks. The music player streams the tracks, and probably stream-ready compressed versions of it, so you might lose a bit of quality there. Just so you know for later. There's a thread about free hosts and stuff.

    Arrangement is cool, but the sounds and mixing are a bit newby. Too much bass, muffled bass drum, your leads could punch through better, clap sounds lofi and needs more punch too, the epiano sample could use some atmosphere, some space; etc..

    Source-wise, you seem to have used the slow melody as a basis for your chords and in the background, and another section where the longer instances of the choir melody are played on the epiano, but those are the only dominant parts of source I hear. The source has some melodies that bring to mind russian folk music or something, but I'm not hearing any of that in your remix. If your main riff is based on source, it's some part of source I missed or it's interpreted beyond recognition. Needs more source than that. Is there?

    I'm guessing this'd get some RESUB votes from the panel. It's a really cool track, but needs some production fixes and more source.

    edit: chris, you ninja!

    Yeah, I noticed the thread now. Again, n00bness on my side... You're probably right about MySpace cramming the file in.

    After a couple of listens just now, I felt the same way.

    I still find the producing part quite hard. I've listened to the track over and over again, changing the equalizers of my speakers and using headphones to make sure it sounded okay with multiple equalizes (maybe that's wrong to do, should I just use bass boost only?). I guess you're getting weary of it too soon that way... Now, with a fresh ear, I hear the things you mentioned.

    I looked for the pound of the kickdrum and, indeed, that muffles the rest too much. I'll try lowering the bass, that should help a lot already, and maybe tinker with the settings of the instruments a bit. It's still a bit overwhelming to me and I don't exactly know what EVERYTHING does, but with trial and error, I'll get there. And patience. :-)

    Then about the source material... It's a pretty repetitive song. In total, it includes four main melodies and I used all four of them. That's all there is to it. Then it has the ground (chord defining) parts, which I changed completely for the originality part and finally some minor doodling. I might add a couple of those, but it won't raise the proportion of source material used that much. I changed the ground note, so that might make it a little harder to hear the source material.

    To answer your question: no, there isn't really that much source material left to work with and I didn't want to use another source track in this remix.

    Finally, thanks for the compliment. :mrgreen:

  2. Being the n00b that I am on this forum, I didn't realize this subforum was there. I've already "officially submitted" this song to OCR, but this might've been best to do first. Ah well, if the judges reject it and want it resubmitted, at least I'll have more feedback to work with before I resubmit.

    Anyway, I finished this track a couple of days ago. It's an old school eurotrance remix of the Bryyo cliffside theme of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Here's the link to the source material on YouTube:

    And here's the link to my MySpace, where I uploaded it:


    The track's name is "Entranced Amidst Thorns".

    Haven't seen anyone sharing a track this way yet, so if it isn't the proper way or something, tell me so and I'll use another method. In that case, I would like a link to another reliable hosting site or such, thanks!

    I'd very much like to get some feedback on it, even though I've already submitted this version. I'll await the judges' verdict on this before I make any modifications (I'm also revising my other 2 tracks at the moment), but I'm just eager to hear what people say about it. :-)

    NOTE: If you please, comment on the remix AFTER you've become acquainted with the source material (if you aren't already). It's probably not really needed to make this request, but I'm just saying.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen and comment!

  3. This is quite a good track!

    The instruments sound swell and I think they were nicely picked together. They make for an orchestral feel, but also keeping the electronicness in it, which I love. I can still picture this track more or less in a game like Super Mario Galaxy. I don't know your old drum track (n00b here), but this one fits well, in my opinion.

    It has some great, unexpected touches in it, like at 01:18, where you added a break mid-melody, and 02:53, the extra bar of fade in. And most of all, the subtle melody of the Overworld theme of Super Mario Bros.. That put a smile on my face. :)!!

    The song plods along nicely, subtlely varying your melodies and creating a good build-up with the use of your instruments.

    I only experienced this after listening to the whole song, though. The first minute I felt the repetitiveness. It proves once more that a song should be listened to in its entirety before judging it (try telling some of my friends that...). At a second and third listen, it wasn't bothering me anymore. Still, might be a small note.

    I do agree with Malheureusement on the outro. I felt it was too abrupt as well. If you'd add one or two extra bars with that part again, with the drums fading out and the strings and piano sustaining their notes, to make a suggestion, it's a whole lot better.

    I also agree with Cyril the Wolf on the kick drum sound. It sounds a bit flat and particularly in the interlude at 02:03 it takes down the power too much. Add a bit of bombasm there.

    And finally, a small thing: I have speakers with bass boost on them and I always listen to tracks with and without it. With the bass boost, the mix sounds a tad bit muddy. But hey, those are my speakers. :mrgreen:

  4. Well, let's introduce, then.

    My nick's Skyggesang, from the Netherlands, 20 years old. I love game soundtrack since I started gaming at age 4 or so and when I found this site, I was really glad I wasn't the only one with such a weird taste in music (as everyone kept telling me :smile:).

    I'm actually remixing a bit myself, though I'm not nearly as good as I would like to be, listening to some of the stuff here. I submitted a new track yesterday, so I'm awaiting the review on that one.

    Ah well, at least I play some physical instruments too.

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