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Posts posted by FallenOne

  1. This is going to be one of those tracks that I put on my "Time to crash" list. I'm not sure I could properly distinguish between what would actualy be considered a 'sample' (whatever that is, I'm no compositional expert) but that's beside the point. I felt very strong emotion from this mix and was very pleased with it's fluidity. BTW, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fits this very well.

  2. Hi everyone! To clear any confusion of my post title my REAL first post was a remix review and I only just found this thread. Henceforth, I fealt I should introduce myself properly here. I have been listening, DLing, and silently reviewing mixs for almost a half-year now and came across a track that I could not be silent about. Can't remember the title but it was mixed by Sixto and Theory from Romancing Saga. Great rock mix. Anywho, my title is FallenOne (yes, it hurt) but my friends just call me Fallen, no joke either. It's a pleasure to meet you and I am hoping for many more months of great listening and deeper involvment in the site.

    P.S. Happy new year and such!

  3. Greetings and salutations! Anywho, O M G! I l,ove this mix! I've been visiting OC Remix for a few months now but never felt the urge to post. Untill I heard this. This track blew me away, unfortunately I've never played the game before. After listening to this ONE TIME I had to register and post. BTW, thanks to OCR and everyone else for all the amazing music. Keep it up Sixto and Theory!

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