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Foxy Waffles

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Everything posted by Foxy Waffles

  1. Well, I've been frequenting this site for years now. I finally actually REGISTERED like a year ago, and then never even bothered to post anything. What gives, me?! So! Rectifying the situation now. My name's Shannon, but I generally go by Waffles around these here intertubes. I'm a pretty big RPG dork, some of my favorites being Final Fantasy VI, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Digital Devil Saga, Suikoden II, Persona 3 & the Xenosaga trilogy. Uhhh... what else... I draw stuff? And I like to sing. Soprano voice. One of my goals is to eventually obtain some proper equipment to record stuff to share with you all here.. But alas, I am chronically broke soooo that may be a while. A LONG while. u_u;; Anyway, in closing, I loveloveLOVE this site, and want to formally express my appreciation for all the time and resources and hard work everyone puts into running it and creating beautiful/kickass/awesome/AMAZING music for all of us to enjoy. Yay video game music!! YAY OCR!!!
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