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Not a Number

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Posts posted by Not a Number

  1. The bass itself is in the same key (whatever key it is in - seems like C Locrian, since it's very difficult to make the song "seem finished") - it's probably because the loop is a little too loud. (It's not 100% mixed - since it does clip in places)

    And yes, it is an old sequencer - close to 10-11 years old (Music 2000 - PS1 (recorded on an emulator - hence why it skips a little)). May be very dated, but can do the job if you know how to use it. :D

    But thanks for the feedback so far; I'll probably expand on the mix later. :)

  2. Haven't really got a title for it (Currently thinking "****ing Dragon Won't ****ing Die" (allcaps optional), but I doubt vulgar titles such as that are suitable.. especially if I was to submit this. :P).

    I guess you could call this a "Finished" mix, but I might do some more work on this sometime whenever / ifever I feel like it.

    I decided to keep this remix fairly simple in structure, merely to keep it fitting to the whole "video game" context; as if it could be used as looping music for another game.

    Not to mention, Ridley's theme doesn't exactly have what you call a long structure - about 90 seconds of it and you've got the entire thing.

    MIDIs were used for this song, but only as reference: The sequencer I used cannot import them, so I had to input the notes manually. Though the drums/percussion were custom made.

    YouTube link:

    mp3 download link is in video description.


    Or endure, whichever applies.

  3. Original:

    Please note: This is the first time that I'm making a dubstep song in Logic, so don't expect really high-end stuff. That said, I have had a fair amount of good feedback from people who are more experienced in making it.

    Link to most recent Demo

    Now, I will admit that, for the time being, it's very basic. But, dubstep usually tends to be.

    There is a section in the chorus (~1:00) where it the time signature goes all wacky, but that's how I roll: I'm heavily inspired by a lot of prog music: I've done a dance song in 5/4, a metal track in 9/8; I'm not one to keep to tradition. :P That said, the original track changes time signature (from 4/4 to 6/4); I just went a little further (5/4, 6/4, 5/4, 8/4, 2/4)

    I'm guessing that this track might be put down a little for using the actual source music at the start, but that's only to serve as a first build-up; a WIP this may be, but that's the only place it'll be at. I might put a couple filters on it to disguise it; I'm not entirely sure.

    All that said and done, enjoy. :)

  4. Watch on YouTube -

    Download on Gimmesound - http://www.gimmesound.com/8762Entertainment

    Name: Clockwork

    Length: 7:29

    Most likely the only time I'll ever use the Pitch Correction tool in Logic.

    Is hopefully going to be part of an album I'm putting together, only problem is that I can only access Logic Pro at college - due to me running Windows at home. Main inspirations behind this track are Tool and Dream Theater. Still a few problems I can hear with it (a little quiet compared to the other stuff I have, even at peak volume... hihats at the start are a little too noticeable when listening through earphones..), but they're not too noticeable.

    Also the time signature's a little wacky; I'm not a big fan of your standard 4/4. ;)

    Enjoy. Or endure, whichever's applicable. :)

  5. This must be my.. what, third account here? (I've abandoned the other accounts because a) I can't access the email addresses those are assigned and B) they don't represent me or my music.)

    So, I'm Not a Number, (pka "Neotails8762", pka "28% Will Do Fine") I make music, and in the almost five years since first registering, I'm now a student at a music college.

    Softwares I use are Logic Pro (at college - curse my lack of OSX at home) and MTVMG (PS1).

    Recent music I've made is

    , vocals and all. I'm not very good at singing, but I sing anyway because.
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