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The Columind

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Everything posted by The Columind

  1. Hey OCRemix. I haven't been here in a very long while. A year or two ago I posted a remix of Geothermal here from Cave Story. Regardless of my overall opinion on how I feel it's aged and not that spectacular, it became somewhat popular on YouTube. With Cave Story 3D out though I felt like it'd be a suitable time to do another long overdue remix for the game. This is a remix of Moonsong, one of my favorite tracks from the game. Here it is. Here's a download link for you guys as well. http://www.mediafire.com/?x7pvd2amhdxup54 The cover art for the song in here was drawn by my friend Toast. You can find her artwork here: http://thetoastery.deviantart.com/ Hope you enjoy.
  2. Thanks for all the positive feedback, guys! Ahh well as Gario said, you should! Its a fantastic game and its freeware at that. The organ, I didnt really care for that one as much when I added it but now that you mention it I have to agree that it does feel slightly out of place when you say it compared to most of everything else in the song. Haha, thanks much. The clipping, it could be YouTube. I didnt bother checking on there but I listened to it recently in my iPod and the bitrate was pretty damn high when I initially exported the song. I didnt notice that a much there. Here's the download if anyone wants it: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HXENI5Z8
  3. It was meant to sort of be a slight cinematic recreation before entering the core, "Open Shutter?" etc. The lines are direct readings of the computer text given, which is why for some moment of time I was looking if someone would drop a line for Curly. Never found anyone though. Thanks however!
  4. Hey everyone. This is a remix I recently made of the Cave Story song, Geothermal. Everything was made in FL 9 from scratch. Took me around about one full day and an additional evening to make. It was really fun to do, I love the game. Hope you enjoy!
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