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  1. To all you Kingdom Hearts fans out there! Im now commencing a competition, where the aim is to come up with a design for a unique keyblade, that you yourself would use if you were a character in the game. It has to be a representation of yourself, so feel free to be as imaginative as possible! The best design will recieve a FREE personal commission of your choice, courtesy of myself. To get things started, ive my own created Keyblade design (Divinity Tempest) thats now visible on my DeviantArt page. ( http://dangomango.deviantart.com/#/d2ylrza ) Once youve designed your own Keyblade, post it on my Facebook page an ill check them out (link below) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Danjis-Designs/106894356014911 Thanks, and good luck!
  2. hi to all the ocr folks out there, havent posted anything on the forums before mainly cos im rubbish at this sort of thing, and i dont make music i just listen to it (though big respect to all the artists that have added their music to the site, ive been listening for nearly two years now!) Im a budding illustrator, an have been meaning to enter something in the fan art competitons for a while now i just never seem to have the spare time, though heres hoping i will soon. You can check out some of my work at: http://www.danjisdesigns.co.uk/index3.html
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