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Everything posted by Kioso

  1. Oh ok, that makes sense now. c: Thanks! I'll work on it some more and see what I can come up with.
  2. Yeah, I was beginning to think the tambourine was too loud. ...Uh...this is probably a dumb thing to ask but can you explain that? XD; I'm still sort of a newb at this.
  3. Well I know it's not exactly as long as your average movie soundtrack would be or whatever but...eh...XD Glad you liked it. c:
  4. Click! I'm so proud of how this turned out. X3 I was going for a movie soundtrack-type piece. I don't know, I thought it turned out really nice. Whoo.
  5. Hehe, naw I'm not one for tricking people I don't know well. XD Thanks for the crits! c: And no, I use the fpc packs for the drums. /late
  6. These are a few of the first things I did on FL Studio, I just figured I might as well share them with you guys. Also, I tend to criticize myself. XD So...I might say something that you might agree with or something. Haha. "Epic Journey" The Tibeten flute is starting to bother me now that I listen to this again, though I tried everything I could to get it to have a decent echo. It just sounds too flat to me, and I'm not sure how I'd fix that. "Nami's Theme" Nami is one of my original characters (such an original name, I know) and I always wanted to make a theme for her so I did. This was like...my first attempt at making a loopable song and I just...failed. XD I think I should've wrapped it instead of cut it off at the end. Oh well. Also, I think this was before I figured out the echoes and stuff. I can't remember. "Iced's Song" Before anyone asks, Iced is one of the first people I met online (back in 2004!) and she was feeling down so I made this song for her (it was also a birthday present). Anyway, it was supposed to be something simple so it's not the greatest song ever, and it's short. Um...I think that's about it. Oh, this is more...new-ish but it was when I first found Sytrus hidden in FL Studio so...I don't know. I just felt like throwing it out there. I ramble too much. And I'm aware "Iced's" makes no sense grammar-wise. XD
  7. Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it! Yeah, I always felt like the whistling was too much, but I wanted to have it somewhere and I didn't really think much about it at first. I'll probably remake it someday...when I get Sytrus. c:
  8. Click Me! This was actually a birthday present for my mom. XD I was kind of experimenting with some stuff, I'd just figured out what the slide tool is in FL Studio so you can tell I had fun with that. Haha. I wanted to add more but I couldn't think of anything in such a short amount of time (I think I finished it like...the day before her birthday so yeah). I would totally add to it now but I only have the demo of Sytrus at the moment so...oh well. XD Man I wish I had a few hundred bucks on me. I'd love any comments & criticism. I'm not the best musician in the world, but I try. (Also yes, my song names are really weird.)
  9. Haha, well it's good to know I'm not a n00b then. XD ...I hope. o.o
  10. Same, although I've been on here for like...5. c: I always get so nervous being a newb because I feel like I'm doing something wrong. :C
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