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Posts posted by Retrotation

  1. mWBDu94.jpg

    Click here the enter the CLOUD

    a list of oldschool SNES tracks that I'm going to try remixing with trap, house, and dub over the coming months, stay tuned for an upcoming album:

  2. I cannot believe more people aren't vocalizing these obvious flaws. Ehh.

    [/huge hate-rant]

    Because... they're not that big of a deal? I think Ableton's transient detection is even worse IMO. Just select the markers and press your delete key where they don't belong. The clicks and pops are because the markers aren't placed at the beginning of the wave (0db mark), which means you'll have to go in an individually edit each marker where there is a serious pop issue.

    And when it skips a transient, I think it might have to deal with the transient not being clearly enough defined for it to place a definite marker requiring human help. The dual marker meaning "I'm not sure, it could be either."

    As far as I know, all slice programs have these issues to an extent... Recycle is actually one of the better ones I've used.

  3. I didn't actually notice your reply 'til now since you brought it up in the other thread, thanks dude I'm glad you appreciated this piece! It really did all come together in a single recording session on my keyboard which I then sequenced/mixed/mastered in the course of a few hours. Sometimes ya get lucky and everything comes together perfect the first go around :]

  4. thanks mate :] I personally preferred the last piece I posted also.. it was much more of a cohesive symphony than this.

    Glad you picked up on the atmosphere though! I was dying to get a vocal sample of a cowboy or sheriff introducing himself to stick in here, but I couldn't really find anything that fit the bill on youtube. In particular I was searching through Cowboy Bebop and Trigun... would love to have gotten something from there on this

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