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Posts posted by loomcore

  1. I can recommend Reason - maybe a bit of a steep learning curve if you've got no previous experience with sound design or music production, but, hey, I learned on it :P Only trouble is it can't do recording audio (unless you get Record as well), and it can't do external plugins, but I've not found that so much of a problem - if you get learning about synthesis, you can do pretty much anything with it. Some people prefer FL Studio over Reason, but I tried it for a while and could never get into it; you may want to try it out, but IMO it's awkward to use. As you progress, you might want to upgrade to a more serious DAW like Cubase, which you can still use both Reason and FL Studio with.

    In my experience, LMMS is a bit too unstable for serious use (on Windows, less so on Linux but still not great), and I'm not a great fan of the interface. You might want to try out a tracker though, there're plenty of free ones about; they can be a little bit tricky to get to grips with at first, but they're pretty damn efficient once you get started. MilkyTracker's a good one to try out. There's also seq24, which is quite a nice, free, loop-based MIDI sequencer, though you'll need something to make a sound with as this only generates MIDI note data.

    All in all, choosing your software comes down to how you work best - I'm used to hardware so Reason (which looks like a studio, of sorts) works great for me. You might prefer to track, or you might even want to stay entirely in hardware, and get something like a Korg Electribe. This is something you'll have to find out by yourself; get demos and play around with them.

    General advice: learn everything you can about synthesis, sampling and MIDI. Wikipedia is your new best friend. Install MIDI-OX and MIDI Yoke.

    Hope this helps ;)

  2. Pepper, you've made my day. I haven't heard these tunes for years! :D

    I think Jail, Hospital and Explore have some potential... I'll start experimenting. Chroxic, wanna collab?

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