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Posts posted by Cardboardowl

  1. Ah I now I understand what you mean with the guitar. I can work with that a bit on sunday.

    What do you mean by an empty sound? you'd like to hear a bit more harmonic structure?

    I've actually listened to all those artists while working on this remix to analyze how they move through the songs and how things are stacked up on each other and all that junk. I listen to stuff almost non stop and try to get things ingrained.

    My AIM is actually Cardboardbeast, but you have to add me first cause pidgin is stupid and great at the same time.

  2. First of all, the guitar. There's free amp sims out there, use them. You'll get better results than what you've got here with just a single clean guitar sample and an amp sim. Better yet if you've got a multi-sampled, expressive clean guitar sound. There's no way of getting a realistic sounding fake electric guitar out of the box, because there's so much involved in creating the sound - good performance->decent guitar->effects box (optional) ->amp -> mic -> daw. But start by using an amp simulation, two sampled notes combined won't sound the same as two notes run thru an amp, even if it's a sim. Then you should use the mod wheel and pitch bend for some cool solo-y effects, stuff like that. Study music with guitar, learn how it sounds, and why.

    Then for some writing stuff. It's a rather empty arrangement (probably quite close to source, I won't check) which worked all right on the snes and its limited hardware but you don't have that limitation so you can't blame your writing on that. :P Write it rich and good. As someone brought up in the common mistakes thread, you can't write just anything and expect the eq to fix everything later.

    Soundwise, you should try to have more sounds of the same quality (a consistently "bad" set of sounds are more cohesive than a mix of good and bad, unless you know what you're doing). The smooth filtered pad is nice, the drums and guitar (especially the guitar) aren't. Mixing them right helps a lot, too; there's both volume and eq fixes you should do here.

    Hit me up on aim if you want further advice, I have some reading material for you. :)

    Honestly I don't even really understand most of what you are talking about in the first paragraph. I woudln't even know where to start.

    As for the writing, I don't understand how you can say it's too close to the source without listening to the original. I think I added quite a bit of stuff to it, without completely leaving the source. Some stuff on Ocremix sometimes gets so far you wouldn't even know it's from the game unless you knew ahead of time and were listening for it. I really don't want to do that.

    That's the original. I mean it's only barely over a minute long... then it loops. I think my mix flows a bit better then that, maybe it's just me.

    And as for the third paragraph, are you saying I should download my sound quality to make it more cohesive instead of trying to improve the ones that sound worse, since I can't really get my guitars up to a good enough quality without live performance?

    I would however love some reading material, I'm desperate to improve and i'll take as much info as I can get.

    Does anyone else have anything else to add or agree/disagree with?

    Also I work with garageband, for future reference.

  3. Namely I want to make my guitar sound more realistic, but any other tips you can give me on this mix I would greatly appreciate. Sound quality/mixing is where I hurt the most. so i need everything I can get, but I think the guitars are what needs most attention.

    Thanks ahead of time.

  4. Hi, i've been hanging around Oc remix FOREVER, since it started up really, and im now trying to see if i can get a remix on the site, but I have quite a few problems with making my music actually SOUND good. I'm good with the actual music and notes and all that jazz, but i'm entirely self taught so balancing and stuff is hard for me, i decided i'd take it one step at a time.

    People keep throwing around the term "mud" or something sounds "muddy".

    What exactly does that mean? I assume it means all the tracks you use are on the same level of sound, but im not exactly sure what it even means.

    It's used all the time to describe my mixes when i ask for critique, so i want to know more about muddyness.


    What exactly makes a song muddy?

    How do I get rid of the muddy sound in my work?

    Does anyone have an example of a song with a muddy and non-muddy version? I really do thing most of my stuff sounds good, and i really have nothing to compare the difference between and i think that would really help.

    Thanks ahead of time.

    Also I work in garageband.

  5. For some reason not many people know of this song and it's fairly unpopular, but it's great.

    And since im trying to get a remix accepted I thought my best shot would be with this song, since there is NO version of it updated AT ALL, that I can find anyway.

    Here's the original song since you probably don't know it

    And here is my remix


    I'm not QUITE finished with it yet, still some tweaking to do,so i would love some good honest feedback.

  6. I listened the the strings one and heroes and They were pretty good.

    Heroes ended up getting pretty boring, I think you need it to develop to something more. It doesn't really "feel" like heroes to me either. It's too relaxed for that. like the guy before me said, lyrics may be a good idea for that.

    the string piece was good, but I really think you could have taken it somewhere a bit more exciting, you had a really solid foundation for something really epic.

  7. img.php?fid=1053 <------ Guitar

    img.php?fid=1054 <----Piano

    I wrote a song, it's a theme for the first town in an rpg. You know that town, you've seen it a hundred times. it's a pallet town, lumbridge, the little nameless village where you start your epic journey.

    This isn't a pallet town remix, thats just a comparison. This is one of my own works.

    Anyway, I can't decide whether it sounds better for piano or guitar. Im leaning towards piano right now cause it sounds kind of too high on one guitar part, but I really like how the one part near the end sounds on guitar rather then piano.

    What do you think?

  8. img.php?fid=764

    Ok, Sorry if you aren't suppose to reupload a remix after you alter it, but if it's against the rules ii guess i'll find out.

    Anyway, I changed this a bit from my original mix.

    People complained I didn't put enough originality into it, So I added a few phrases of my own in there. However, I really don't wawnt to get tooooo far from the original because I find that alot of songs on OCremix get so far from the source that it's hard to recognize.

    In addition to original phrases, I've changed rhythms of the basslines, added a bit of stacking.

    People also said that the guitar and synth sounded too mechanical and needed more velocity, so every note in the melodic voices have had velocity added.

    No one but me seemed to like the "go link" section, so I removed it.

    I did keep links various yells in, however, I reorganized them in the beat so they felt more natural.

    I think that's all i changed this time around.

    Comments, constructive criticism, ideas, and feedback are welcome, encouraged, and often reciprocated :)

    Let me know what you think. :-P

  9. Actually, there have been a few ReMixes with this song. It's named "Windmill hut" here.


    Back on topic...

    You have a lot going on in this one. For some reason, the "Go Link" section just doesn't sit well with me, it could just be personal preference. Also, there are times when you have many parts flying around in the higher register, and during these times the sound can get a bit piercing. You did have clever use of game sounds, and I like how you used them to form another melodic line.

    It's really not bad, I'd like to hear this later on. I hope I helped. :-o

    thanks for the link.

    As for the Go link section, I originally put in not really knowing if it would work, but it grows on you, and after listening to it a few times, it feels right.

    As for the high register comment, I'm a little confused. I payed special attention to that and wanted to not had too many high floating parts because the nature of the original only has one instrument doing that.

    So I actually never put more than one instrument above G4.

    Other than that, glad you like it, and Be sure to look and see if I change anything or hopefully If i get it on the site itself.

    Thanks for the attention and the support.

  10. Amazing song, and while i have been able to work out the main melody years ago, I was wondering if anyone out there knows it well enough to work up a midi file for it?

    I've only been able to work out about 3 of the parts.

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