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  • Real Name
    Jordan Neufeld
  • Location
    Lebanon, Oregon
  • Occupation
    Pharmacy Technician

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  1. Need some opinions on this rough mix of the song Unforgotten from Halo 2. Some may remember this as background music certain multiplayer and options menus. It's a softer piece to start with, but this mix takes it in a different direction with synthesized acoustic and electric guitars backed by a nice beat. Let me know what you think! http://www.mediafire.com/file/wnnyjniegra/Gone But Not Forgotten0.5.mp3
  2. Thanks for the feedback! I played around with it a little more, added a few instruments and changed up some of the drums. The ending is a bit more of a mix of several parts from the rest of the song, but I think it sounds more fluid. The link to the new version is in my first post. Again, let me know what you think!
  3. More variation... mmm... I can definitely do that... I'll have to play around with it some, but no problem there. Thanks for the feedback! If you're looking for the original from BioShock, here's one place to listen to it:
  4. Hello! I've been a member of the forums for a total of twenty minutes now, and I've already got a remix to get feedback on (yay?) I've been working on a remix of Cohen's Masterpiece from BioShock, which I've basically been tweaking off and on over the last few weeks until I thought it was worth asking other people for their opinions. I have it uploaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ry4mymknh2z/Cohen's Disasterpiece2.0.mp3 It's kind of a techno variation, with some odd-ball drums that I thought kept with the spirit of the already weirdly-timed piece. Enjoy! EDIT: Here's the new, improved version of the Remix. Let me know what you think! http://www.mediafire.com/file/y3mjjjtrmwm/Cohen's Disasterpiece3.0.mp3
  5. Greetings! My name is MrAspirin. I've been coming here for quite a while, but am only just now starting to become interested in remixing game music myself. Figured since this is pretty much the best place on the subject, so I joined until-now-completely-unvisited forums like the total newblet that I am. Quick question, though: anyone know how to send $5 to Mahaboo?
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