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Posts posted by Red88Rex

  1. When I first heard this song, I couldn't pick out the source tune, but it sounded so familiar. Then I decided to look on here (I had downloaded the torrent), and I could not believe it was Corridors of Time! Then when I listened again, strangly enough, it WAS Corridors of Time! To take such a mellow tune and make it hard, fast and just badass like you did takes some extreme talent. I probably have about 600 remixes, listened to hundreds more, and this by far is my favorite and probably always will be. Awesome work!

  2. Hey man, I joined just to tell you how blown away I was by this remix. Lufia 2 is one of my favorite games, and the Battle 2 track is my favorite of the soundtrack. It's actually some of the best boss music I've heard, and you remixed it perfectly. Seriously, couldn't have been better. Everytime I hear it, all I can think about is playing the game and how much I love it. Very well done. I love all of your stuff, hope to see more soon!

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