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Posts posted by DarkRedXIII

  1. It's sad its the only actually good steam punk game. Other games try to call them selves steam punk... but its clearly not, or they tried and failed.

    Steam punk on the other hand, made me feel really submerged. The only thing I don't like, and it comes with the isometric view, I felt slightly restrictive, yet.... still submerged.

    Admittedly ... I haven't beaten it ><, between like YouTube and my Fallout: New Vegas mod's I don't play many other games except for the one's I LP for YT. Also I was playing this game until last year.

    I did have a fond memory of messing around with the difficulty setting, see how far I could push an area and my characters limit's. It got to a certain point that if 1 or even 2 of my party members died, i'd be screwed. It was one of the earlier games I found to throw you in to a world where you could walk around and do what you want, when you want, progress at your own pace, but they did it well. There were some area's that were clear or unclear if you needed to level a bit more or not, for the majority of the time, it was a decent balance.

    I did get about half-ish through the game, and ended up losing my saves because of installing a new OS, but I re-installed it, played a new character, and even for an earlier game, I felt a majority of things were new to me, I found different path's, different options that I honestly didn't think they woulda thought of.

  2. I just found a ton of songs by literally just searching "Jazz" So i'll take the links I find and search the ones you all are showing me, and I'll edit my main post with all the links.

    I know some Big Band / Jazz songs are on albums and not on the site its self, so would it be ok if i uploaded those to MediaFire?

  3. The only kind of song i can think of that qualifies would be Super Buck Jazz. That's Old school swing style big club band Jazz and something that still gets my foot tapping even today.

    There is a huge difference between Big Band and Orchestra

    Ok, well Don't know if you've played Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas, but Big Band in that kind of style, jazz / big band.

    They are essentially the same thing, Big Band came first and more or less made Jazz we see today.

  4. Ahh sorry.. I did read your post.. I think I just have a reading disability where I misinterpret details... or I just don't take my time. :P

    I do like big band songs, though.. so thanks for this thread. Hoping there's a lot more.

    I wasn't mad you gave link's, just trying to not put anyone out by having them search up links.

  5. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01947/

    and this http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02125/ ?

    And you technically can look up genres through use of tags in the remix review section. But it doesn't include anything like big band, just "live recording", which might suffice? seeing as these songs fall under that...

    Woo thanks for the links, but When i said i didn't need em, I really didn't :P thank you though.

    If i get a song name i can just search it on my PC, I do have all the songs from OCR ........ ever XD

  6. Right, so I am trying to gather some Big Band Genre type remixed songs, and I've only been able to find one song, from Donkey Kong Country 2 Disc 3 -> B-01 Bonus Bop (Token Tango, Bonus Lose, Bonus Win) [Xenon Odyssey, The UArts Z Big Band]

    So for anyone who's heard it and know of any other songs similar to that, then can you let me know which game? I don't need a direct link, just a good direction to go in.

    And even if you've never heard that song and still know of a few big band genre type songs, that would be cool.

    On a side note, I've looked and browsed this site for ages and have never found a "Genre" listing, there's by game, by console, by remixer, and by albums, but why not Genre? I know that over 2300 songs not including albums, it'd be a bit hard to go back and change all that, but why was there never one in the first place? And if there was, why is it gone now? o,O;;

    Edit: Here are the songs so far:

    ReMix: Super Mario Bros. 2 'SuperBuckJazz' - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00577/

    ReMix: Professor Layton and the Curious Village 'Luke, a True Gentleman Prefers a Touch of Light Jazz - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02153/

    ReMix: Super Mario 64 'Big-Band Battlefield'- http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01947/

    ReMix:Super Mario Bros. 'Jazz Plumber Trio' - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00055/

    ReMix:Super Mario Bros. 2 'Gypsy Jazz'- http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01466/

    ReMix:The Legend of Zelda 'AmIEvil Jazz' -http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00037/

    ReMix:The Guardian Legend 'Starflake Jazz' - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01436/

    ReMix:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'Jazz of Zelda'- http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00187/

    ReMix:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'Darkworld Jazz' - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00156/

    ReMix:Mega Man 3 'IntroJazz'- http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01221/

    ReMix:GoldenEye 007 'Controlled Jazz' - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00227/

    ReMix: Final Fantasy VII 'Fighting (7/8 jazz spiritual)'- http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00455/

    ReMix: Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse 'In the Beginning There Was Jazz'- http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01711/

  7. So yea, its been a while for an update and i don't know if anyone is actually following this here on OCR but i just finished an Alpha 4. Its not quite an Official release but its something for people to do while they wait for an Official Beta 4 release right? Also extra people testing it will help me produce it faster.

  8. Always a good idea to let people know their stuff is getting used and trying to give appropriate credit for it. Never know what might happen otherwise...

    Good luck on your RPG (too large for me to DL, atm, so no comments from me, I'm afraid). And this is the most colorful thread I've seen in some time.

    Well i figured a few things. I know from a legal stand point Re-Mixers have a little protection because they are remixing the music from certain games, not acting like they "are producing it" (correct me if i am wrong). They still credit it for the game it came from, and usually the original composer. Well I specifically credit each game, and then the Re-Mixers I see on the song or page to download it from. The are Remixing for a non-profit situation, and i am doing the same thing, this game will never be "sold". I wanted to post on the forums so that the specific Re-mixers know their work is being used well, and credited for it. If someone doesn't like that i am using the song, they can ask me to change it, inconvenient but its not a big deal.

  9. probably should have posted in gendisc, since this is a game and you're talking about OCR's audio. doesn't get any more ocr-related than that.

    if you're selling the game, you can't use OCR's music. if you're releasing it for free (which you should be anyways), as long as you properly credit the mixers you should be ok. it's better if you contact them and ask them, too - most remixers on this site either are active and will check their PMs regularly or have a homepage with a direct email address.

    Well good thing it is free, and good thing i have a running credits for OCR :P.

    If you click the link in my post below, it'll link to where i have the game on the forums.

  10. Hello! So a few days ago i decided i wanted to make my own RPG, and i am doing just that! With that i want to start sharing it with people publicly. Game name is Targus and its an RPG with a story similar to an old Final Fantasy game, cliche yes, but its also my first game, but later i'd like to think i have decent plot twists.

    So the reason why i am posting this on OCR is because i am using quite a bit of music from this site. So at the very bottom of this post i will post credits to all the music i use. If i credit the wrong person, or I've left someone out, let me know so i can fix it, I can only credit who i see on the song (who puts their name on it).


    That is to the folder on Mediafire with my game in it.

    Latest Demo at this point:

    To ensure that everything works right, and that old saves don't corrupt or crash a stable version, select "New Game" for Demo 3d. This way any old saves wont create bugs or crashes that aren't really there.

    (May 20, 2010 5:40PM) Demo 3d Up - Up-to-Date Stable Finished Demo 3

    Demo 4 is on It's way! Things to look forward to:

    World Map! Yes, this game has one. AND ITS HERE!

    New Battle System! "Wait Gauge Battle" - It adds an active time battle system similar to Final Fantasy, no side view though

    Monster Book! "Bestiary" -Gain Information about an enemy after beating it a few times!

    Pause! "Pause Game" -Pause anywhere! Town, Battle, Cut-scene

    UPDATE! July 17, 2010

    Hey everyone! Long time no talk / see. So yea progress has gone slow for Targus unfortunately, i am behind ... a lot, but i decided to do something special for people who are anxious to see the new features. What I'm gonna do is release a pre-beta, somewhat like my alpha build a while back, but instead of an empty area, there's gonna be a lot you get to do, if I do this, I can work on with the project, making the new area's etc, but i can get some feedback from you all to help and fix bug, because i am sure there are some, just with all i have to do solo, this will save me some time. Now there are quite a few bugs, if there are some major ones that stop people from even testing, I'll fix it and up it so you can continue on. Remember, this isn't exactly an official release, so it doesn't have all the features above implemented yet, I just want to do this because this is taking me a lot longer then expected, also its not going to be exactly packaged the same way as other versions, but it works non-the less. Have fun!

    Note: Also RPG Maker VX is an ass when it comes to big files so now I'm not going to include the RTP Data IN the game, that is gonna have to be downloaded separately, but when you do this, download and install it, it should be a one time thing, then after that you can download my game, and be able to play it right away. Not to mention if you get other RPG Maker VX games that don't include the Runtime Package, you can play those as well. the RTP (Run Time Package) is what runs the content so you can play it. The reason i need to do this is because RPGMVX doesn't like big files, and the RTP data creates 30-40mb of unneeded crap. Sorry. :(

    (July 17, 2010 2:36PM) Alpha 4 (Pre-Demo) Unstable Alpha for Beta 4

    Included in the .rar's is 4 files:

    How to Play.txt

    Change Log.rfl

    Disclaimer and Copyright.txt

    Targus Demo.exe

    In order to play just read the how to play, everything you need to know is in there.

    Here on this thread you can tell me any criticism, idea's of what can / will make it better, remember this is my first game, which i am making alone. Also report to me any bugs, glitches, i'll get them fixed as fast as i can.

    I want to encourage people with my game to explore most everything. Objects in the world you might think are useless, or just ordinary, might not be. Some NPC's might give hints about some items or objects that do special things, or you might just have to check. Also i'd like to think i added some comedy with the NPC's too, so talk to them as well.

    Targus is a story of a man (Yes man, not Teen, young adult.. a full adult) who gets washed up on a deserted island, with no memory of how he got there or came to be, come to find out its not as deserted as he thinks. Suddenly a seemingly simple man is on the journey of his life, trying to recover his memory.

    Battle Music:

    First General Battle Music (So far: Blue Dungeon, Dream World) Final Fantasy VII - Full Frontal Assault (Let the Battles Begin!) - norg, SnappleMan

    Dream Fragment Battle Music (Second Boss) Super Dodge Ball - All-Star Doskpop (All-Stars) - Mazedude

    Non-Battle Music:

    Dream Corridor and Crystal LairFinal Fantasy VII - Damn Those Turks! (Turks' Theme) - Daniel Baranowsky

    Long Dialogue on ShipZelda Ocarina of Time – Prelude - Zas

  11. So i am making my own RPG. At first i was only going to use a few songs from OCR, but now that i look at it again, I'm going to be using a lot of songs from here. Since its predominately OCR Music Driven, I was curious if there is a good sub forum for me to post my game in? I thought there would be an off-topic subforum, or something similiar, but reading most descriptions about them, they are all more or less music driven. This is the only sub forum that isn't music based... but its not exactly "the place" for me to post my game. On one hand i'd like posting it here for people so they can try, but i also want to post it so if any music developers come across it and see their name in the "credits" for music they can see that their work is being used somewhere. Thanks in advance.

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