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Everything posted by killermelga

  1. my newest song on fl studio im pretty happy with this one, even though i find it a bit boring comment plz
  2. edit: please CnC so i can know how im doing so far anyway, i changed the link, so now you dont have to download the file
  3. here's something new i focused on trying to tweak the instruments better than i had done before, so the song wouldn't sound so "mechanical" im not sure if i made it alright (mos likely not) xD anyway, here it is
  4. here's a wip, i wanted to hear your opinion about it probably i wont finish it in some time cause the .fl file isn't with me right now and probably will take me some time to get it the end is not meant to be take too seriously since its just something i started enjoy, CnC please Click here to listen to project.mp3
  5. ok, ty for the review, the fisrst one link is already corrected i did notice that it was extremely "mechanichal", but i had no clue why or how to change it, so thank god some1 FINALLY told me something and there's one thing i didnt notice when i made both songs. i had the pc eq on, so when i made the eq on the song, it was fine for MY pc, not for everyone's else, as i noticed when i listened to the song on a friends pc
  6. here r 2 songs i made in fl studio CnC apreciated http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/264584
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