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Posts posted by hyzteria

  1. wow, long-time lurker here, been visiting OCR for the last 10 years now (seriously! I still remember Chris Abbott's Arkanoid. I cannot believe how far this site has come!), and this is my first post. I was digging through the OCR archives and ran into this gem. Just had to say, this is a serious remix. TBH I never thought my first post would be coming for zircon (No offense! your earlier stuff didn't do it for me), but this is GREAT. Now I have to go through all of zircon's work to see what else I missed..

    the last remix that made me feel this good was star salzman's singing robot :lol:

    anyway, have a nice day gents, thanks for a trip down memory lane zircon :D

    edit: After digging through archives, it seems I've somehow mistaken zircon for some other remixer that I cannot remember. How I missed this I have no idea, but just about everything zircon's made is golden. I think what happened is I was too entranced by some of the other remixers with more recognizable names to bother downloading anything new. Ohhhh I remember this was back before OCR had youtube previews on the mix description, back then I only downloaded mixes from specific remixers and almost completely ignored the rest if I didn't know them.. DJPretzel, adding the youtube previews was KEY btw

    Anyway moral of the story zircon rocks and you should download this right away ;(

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