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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Thiago Schiefer
  • Location
    São Paulo, Brazil

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

tschiefer's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey there everyone! I've recently released my first album, "Prototype: Freedom". It's ten tracks of heavy/prog/game/pop/folk/post rock music created for your delight. Mostly with vocals. It can be streamed or downloaded at my website, http://thiagoschiefer.com If anybody here wants to jump straight to the game-ish instrumental track, go here: http://soundcloud.com/tschiefer/g-tterd-mmerung Cheers!
  2. Ok, this isn't very game-ish, but as VGM has always been a major influence in my work, you people might find something hidden in this vocal song: or http://soundcloud.com/tschiefer/rays-on-the-water It is the single for my upcoming album, to be digitally released next month. In the full-length thing there's a very very game-ish instrumental rock piece, which I'll post here when it's released. Every comment is welcome!
  3. Thanks! I'm gonna check that out. Does anyone else have another opinion or tip? =)
  4. I found out I had over-boosted some bass frequencies... here it is once again! Also modified stuff based on some of the advices Guifrog has given me =) (now it's on TinDeck... it seems FireSlash's server is down) So, waiting for more tips!
  5. [2]. Highly interested.
  6. ! I'll try out these hints, thanks! Does anyone find the mix "muddy"? It sounds so in my hi-fi, but not in my monitors... that's pretty odd, ain't it? And I don't know how to fix that...
  7. Hey there! Do you plan on recording the acoustic guitar also?
  8. Thanks! But I didn't fully understand 2 of your points: What do you mean by "oomph"? Should I bring up the low end? (I'm not really a pro at mixing, hehe) When you say "backwards", you're talking about the boost in low and low-mid frequencies? Should I EQ the guitars with more focus on the highs?
  9. Thank you very much for the kind words
  10. It's been some time, but I've finally been able to mix this song again - now with good equipment. I think it still needs adjustments, so I'd be really happy to get some feedback on it. Thanks in advance!
  11. XD A cada mês ela pede pra eu fazer uma coisa diferente, dá as regras etc. Jeito carinhoso de chamar :P

  12. "Treinamento"?

  13. Valeu!!! Faz parte de um treinamento q minha irmã anda fazendo comigo XD

  14. Muito legal a "música medieval pra série de TV fictícia"! Parabéns! :D

  15. Hey! There's a brazilian VGM contest going on called Game Music Brasil, in which I'm competing with a song called The Alliance. I would highly appreciate if you people could take a listen and vote it! My song is at http://bit.ly/gmbschiefer, and the procedure is the following (considering you're not using browser translation): - Click here to register (just a few fields, mentioned below); - Now, check "Quero votar" (="I want to vote"); - Fill in the fields in the following manner: *Name *Login/User *Password *Repeat Password *E-mail; - Now, click "Enviar" (="Send"); - After this, fill in your Login and Password at the very top of the page and click Ok. This will log you in; - Once you're logged in, go to http://www.gamemusicbrasil.com.br/index.php?/pages/melhor-trilha-sonora-todos/155 (same link as above, unshortened) and click the green check beside the video, which reads "votar!" (="vote"). Each and every feedback would also be greatly appreciated, especially if you find mixing/production issues (I know there are some, this was my first attempt with good quality monitors). And that's it! Thank you all very much
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