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Posts posted by tadashibashi

  1. Back in 7th Grade I began programming my own video games. Along the way, I realized that I needed some temporary background music for the games, so I searched online and discovered the music of Final Fantasy. I was so inspired by the soundtracks, that I decided to become a music composer from then on. As of today, I have had two pieces commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic as a part of the LA Phil Composer Fellowship Program, and one upcoming commission from the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. I am now headed off to the USC Thornton School of Music for Music Composition. Thank you so much, Uematsu-san!!

  2. Nice work! Loved the reaction at the end, they really enjoyed playing your arrangement and it must have been a memorable moment for you. I've been wanting to do a wind ensemble arrangement of this song for my band but it'd feel really empty without the strings.

    Would definitely like to hear the FFVII Main Theme if you ever get around to finishing it and having it performed.

    Haha, thanks! Yeah it was definitely a memorable moment. I haven't really had time for the main theme, but I hope to get to it by the summer. I've been writing a lot for orchestra lately :P

  3. Nice! Hamaguchi is pretty hit or miss for me, but some of his arrangements that I really like are The Oath, Ending Theme (FFVIII), Fithos Lusec Weecos Vinosec, and Liberi Fatali would probably have to be my all time favorite.

    I think Hamaguchi is as great as Uematsu himself. I'm just sad that he doesn't get as much credit for his hard work. Uematsu, I believe is an awesome composer but when it comes to orchestration, he isn't as strong.

    I like Liberi Fatali, Don't Be Afraid, Fisherman's Horizon, Balamb Garden, Eyes On Me, Love Grows, The Oath, FFVIII Ending Theme, FFVII Main Theme, Opening-Bombing Mission, Aerith's Theme, Cloud Smiles, and Theme of Love (FFIV). The FFVII Piano Collections is also great, 3 tracks directly used in Advent Children.

  4. So.... this is pretty much identical to Hamaguchi's arrangement of Aeris's theme minus the harp. If you did it by ear, then good job, because the orchestration is good.

    Thanks! Yes, this is a transcription done by ear, although towards the middle I changed the orchestration a little bit. Square Enix never released the orchestral score to the public so I think it'll be one of my goals this summer to transcribe a couple of the Hamaguchi orchestrations. I'm currently working on the Final Fantasy VII Main Theme.

  5. It's very good! You feel like PMing me the score so I can see some of how you orchestrated it? :)

    Just a tip for your conducting - try not to get so lost in the score. Especially in the

    beginning, you seemed pretty tunnel-visioned on the score, rather than the orchestra,

    so you lost them a little bit early on. You fixed it in the latter half, though.

    Also, tell douchebag in the glasses next to the camera to quit dicking around and pay



    Sorry, I'm actually kind of hesitant in posting the score anywhere on the web right now

    because I may want to use it for a resume, please don't take it personally :P

    Haha, I was pretty nervous conducting, it was my second time, in fact my first time with

    large orchestra. Thanks for the feedback though, I'm probably going to take conducting

    lessons this summer.

    He's actually not a "douchebag" in person, trust me haha

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