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Posts posted by gokaury

  1. It's about Mega Man, it's about music, and more importantly it's about video game music remixes.

    How is this not part of community? I've seen more offtopic stuff than this that was fine in Community.

    Also, great playthrough. How long did all of that take you (with recording and all)

    Hey thanks neblix! Using snag-it, it didn't take me long to record the videos, especially Mega Man 3 bosses whom I know like the back of my hand. Editing though, in Windows Movie Maker, took a couple of nights to complete (because of me trying to find the right music to add, piecing the clips together, and making sure the video was at or under 15 minutes).

  2. I'm not much of one to know how to write music. I was in High School and am in church choir, so I know a little about the presentation of a song. That said here is my nickel's worth of free advice: I thought that it was a great remix, however, it seemed to me that it kind of ends too abruptly. Just throwing that out there. Keep up the good work though!!! I'm loving it! :smile:

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