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Everything posted by Phluff

  1. Well, the program that I am forced to work with is a guitar program for transposing sheet music to tabs with sound, and making a midi show how it was built. So with that in mind, I don't really know how much else to change it for the better. Maybe if I knew of some sort of freeware music compiler, I'd be great.
  2. Yet another bump for good measure. I really wish to get feedback for my first try at remixing.
  3. Just bumping for some help with making this sound better.
  4. Just so you know, I have to use TuxGuitar to get anything done. I just wanted to make something that I liked, but this seems to have lost life when I converted it from a .mid to .mp3. Source:
  5. Just got started at remixing. Hello.
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