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  1. Thanks for your help. We are at 152 signatures. The latest news is that Tommy Tallarico has signed. Others include Graeme Norgate, Andrew Barnabas, Paul Arnold (Bob & Barn), Richard Jacques, Tim Wright, Andrew Barnabas, Grant Kirkhope, Mike Beckett.
  2. added a trance version of cheetahmen the one at the rave thing. don't know where to find Music of My Groin or bad tuna. added clash on the big bridge. added ocinara of tetris. haha. ill put it at the end of the playlist with the other amusing ones. added street fighter beatbox. haha! that's brilliant.
  3. sound great! you should hear some tekken 2 and 3. they have great music.
  4. jade cocoons music rules. sounds really good.
  5. i like remakes so i fully support it. i also think you should bring classics to a new generation.
  6. behold this playlist i made of the best video game performances on youtube. if you know of any videos that are missing let me know. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=75BF0805A1E2A822
  7. 152 Signitures so far! This petition is for Video Game Soundtracks on Classic FM. We have already had signitures from many composers from TV, FILM and GAME including Tommy Tallarico, Graeme Norgate, Andrew Barnabas, Paul Arnold (Bob & Barn), Richard Jacques, Tim Wright, Andrew Barnabas, Grant Kirkhope, Mike Beckett. I have already had a positive reaction from Simon Bates who thinks this is a ''fantastic idea''. Classic FM already plays Film Scores, music from Disney, Jazz and Coldplay. If you would like to hear music from Video Game soundtracks and concerts on Classic FM please sign this petition. http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/wonderfulmusic/ When we get enough signatures I will present it to the necessary people.
  8. i went through every song on ocremix and picked out the ones that are solo piano only. you can download it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HFBIX91V the owners of this site might also want to keep these; as megaupload will probably delete it and i don't have a back up.
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