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Everything posted by Duesenberg

  1. i was entering sonokinetics "project infinity" contest, and i might need some votes, in order to win the full version of the sound library. the contest is divided into "free library version" (that's where i'm in) and "full version". the free library comes with just a few sounds, and most of them are just atmospheric, spooky and detuned patches. so i did a lot of soundshaping with gates, modulation, crusher and filters to get the track done (it was not allowed to use any other sound library) so if you like the track, just click on vote (no login required) signal 2 noise thanks a lot
  2. thx @ everyone
  3. epic.....badass stuff
  4. thanks a lot, mordi
  5. yep...it was an honor for me, as well as being part of your project
  6. just received an message from chris huelsbeck himself. he absolutely likes the track...proud me
  7. thank you so much...i'm honored
  8. link updated....final for now
  9. i'll do my best
  10. thank you so much...i am still working on the song and i have also noticed the miss of sum puch here and there. the link will remain the same while i'm updating the track over the next few days
  11. after playing turrican 3 last week, i thought it was about time to do my version of the amazing title track composed by chris huelsbeck http://www.24-7media.de/adds/turrican3reloaded.mp3 (my version) (original)enjoy
  12. you can use this one here: http://www.24-7media.de/adds/sho.mp3 maybe as an intro song for the podcast. it's just a 40 seconds tune i made for a friend of mine
  13. great stuff....i do game scores as well,but just on a very low level. i would love to work for companies such as EA
  14. hi, i have started with scoring videogame music a half year ago and i really like it. currently working on my first real job (music for an xbox live game) i have uploaded some of my tracks on my website: http://www.duesenberg-interactive.com/ any comment is appriciated. greetings from germany
  15. i used to play in rockband back in the 80ies (some kind of hair metal stuff)....then i had a "little" break of nearly 20 yrs and started to make music again a half year ago....so i'm kinda rusted
  16. this is the hardware stuff i'm using: and as for VSTs, i am using East West stormdrum 2 and voices of passion
  17. hi there, i just started to do music for videogames a half year ago, and last week i had the luck that two small game developers gave me the chance to do the scores for their games. both tunes are for xbox live games this one here is the trailermusic for an adventure game: http://www.24-7media.de/adds/score.mp3 the second one is for an puzzle game with fluffy characters /start screen/menu selection http://www.24-7media.de/adds/mock.mp3 both songs are not mastered yet. please be gentle, because all this is very new to me, but i might get better over the years oh, and if anyone needs music for his game...let me know
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