No, no not all of us have, or probably ever will.
I was at a BBQ when I was asked to help throw together some lyrics for a fun song. Something that has been done on several other occasions, but for once I was in the right place at the right time.
However, I'm white. I am INCREDIBLY white. I was mockingly called the 'sixth Backstreet Boy' years ago. I can't sing along to hard rock or heavy metal. As Joe Cam said, I kinda sing like a girl. Tenor 2.
I was locked in the recording room and forced to sing my verse over and over and over again before I was basically given a 'damnit, good enough. Get the hell out of there.'
It was the most fun I have ever had with a raging, 14-hour-straight headache.
Then two days ago I get a congrats on this song being posted to OCR. "Really? Cool." I shrug and wander off.
Then yesterday I sat down and started to read the comments. I read all of them, here and on YouTube. Yesterday was the greatest day of my life.
To say that I lucked out is an understatement. I spent hours surrounded by talented people who knew they were joking around and having fun, and I got to make something...different. Something different that actually went public.
Most of you guys have reacted the way I figured a normal, well-adjusted adult would respond. Either you liked it or you didn't because it wasn't your bag.
It's not really my bag either. I find too much popularized rap to be about either partying, doing drugs, dealing drugs, misogyny or empty threats. Plus, there's usually too much swearing. That is why this song was so hilarious to me.
The tiny few of you guys that took this to heart and were honestly, totally upset? The few YouTube kids who claimed that because of this song, they were going to throw away their DS version of FFIV? THANK YOU! It is people like you that give me a reason to laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.