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Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Bass
    Electric Bass
    Vocals: Male

chunkybeef31's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hello, I want to get some opinions on this song that my band just completed. Our band name is called Needlemouse and this song is called "Motorboat". It is a fun, light hearted, and dirty acoustic song. http://soundcloud.com/chunkybeef31/motorboat check out the band too! http://www.facebook.com/Needlemousemusic
  2. really cool mang! I especially love the drums, sound and parts.
  3. Hey guys, I've posted originals here before from my band Needlemouse. This song is a brand new song, and its supposed to be a fun acoustic drinking song. I would greatly appreciate any feedback concerning the mix and master, or just any of the parts in general. Thanks! Needlemouse - Yellow Underwear
  4. Hey guys, my brand new band Needlemouse just came out with a debut, self-titled album of the Rock/Metal genre. I have made Sonic The Hedgehog covers before in a similar vein. This is our first single entitled "High Heel Hold Up". Please let me know what you guys think. Feedback greatly appreciated! High Heel Hold Up If you like that one, here's another Rockin tune called - Trashed One for people who prefer the softer melodic songs - For the Ladies
  5. Thanks for the advice. I am not in charge of the mixing, we have a studio for that, I am just in charge of the tracking for me and my band mates. Any other feedback on the song? aside from mixing?
  6. Hey guys, this is a demo of a song on my band's new record. The Genre is supposed to be Heavy Rock/Hard Rock. I did not spend any time really mixing, just doing the tracking. It would help me out a lot if I can could get some outside feedback/opinions on this song's parts and arrangement to make it the best it can be. http://soundcloud.com/chunkybeef31/hhhu
  7. Hey guys, Does anyone know a good way to get the actual hardware sounds of NES/Super NES/Genesis? I have a few plug ins that emulate the sounds, but those are not 100% perfect. If there is no other way, do any of you guys know decent plug ins for Genesis Sounds?
  8. I am working on composing this intro for my friends video game that he is making. I am using all midi instruments, and in the process of really homing in on note choice right now between the different instruments. What do you guys think should be different? Anything you like about it? or anything other feedback would help this process a lot. Thanks! http://soundcloud.com/chunkybeef31/intro-for-video-game
  9. haha sorry. I meant all bass as in no guitar. I used a drum machine.
  10. I recently did a remix of the title theme for Zelda ALL on bass. I would appreciate feedback since I pretty much do a revised version of this theme once a year. Let me know what you guys think! http://soundcloud.com/chunkybeef31/zelda
  11. I made a video game type song, with a rock sound. I would really appreciate any feedback you guys have since this song is not done. This song definitely needs....something. I know in the middle part I am going to put a solo, but have no got around to it. Help me out! p.s. Does anyone know how I can get the actual hardware sounds of the genesis/nes/super nes. What do I do? I have no clue how I would do that, because plugins are never %100 accurate. http://soundcloud.com/chunkybeef31/vg-6
  12. Hello, I play the bass guitar, and my buddy plays the guitar. My area of music is Hard Rock while my friend's is Heavy Metal. We recently decided to start writing some songs to get search for a singer and drummer. This original song I am showing is an instrumental jam, and should be listened knowing that there are no vocals nor are vocals ever intended in this arrangement. Right now this song has a drum machine, but hopefully will find that right drummer eventually. All feedback is encouraged and welcome!
  13. Hey guys. I completed another sonic 4 song on bass, and it was mentioned in the SEGA blogs Remix Spotlight. This one is definitely not as exact as the others I did because I wanted to really just jam over the sexy chords. Please let me know your opinions and suggestions for my next efforts! Lost Laby-
  14. Thank you for your feedback. I probably should have specified that this song is only on the Bass and Drum Machine. There is no guitar in this mix. I was going for more of a rock cover version featuring ONLY the bass, because I play the bass and its fun to overdub harmony and lead bass parts.
  15. if anyone can please give some constructive criticism on the mix, so I can use those ideas for my future remixes, I would greatly appreciate it.
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