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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Javier Maria Quintos Ortega
  • Location
    Philippines, Manila
  • Occupation

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

JavierofGGFM's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Alright, will do. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. Hey, I'm a DJ at my college's radio station, Green Giant FM. I've been a lurking listener since Big Giant Circles came out with "Begin the end of the Beginning" about 6 years ago. So when I got picked to be a DJ and was given the Friday-Saturday 7-9PM slot, Friday being "Remix Friday", I thought of a short 10-20 minute segment for video game remixes hailing from here. I'm asking out of admiration for your remixes and I'm planning on starting the segments using one video game at a time, like Street Fighter. I'd like some feedback if it's okay, and if so, what songs could I use for a 10-20 minute segment. Thank you!
  3. Hey guys, new member, old time downloader. Been downloading here since.... 6-7 years ago? I'm Javier, hailing from the pearl of the orient, the Philippines. I love Judo and Karate, love to bake, cook, act, sing, and I love music. Game music, most especially ones as hardcore as the Ace Combat series and the Guilty Gear series. I study at De La Salle University, where I am one of the DJs in the campus radio station, which is the best campus radio station in the Philippines.(Or so we say...) Hopefully we can all get along.
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