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Everything posted by SJM

  1. Hello, I'm quite new to making music using Reason, but (or rather because of that) I wanted to see what you think of THIS; I'm happy about every feedback I can get [ ! newer version below ! ]
  2. Yeah, that's the problem I had. Well, after tweaking a little more i have a sound that is quite similar, though it still sounds quite synthetic... PadTest.wav.mp3 This is my .thor patch
  3. Wow, thanks! Starting from you Thor patch I experimented a little with Thors filters and now have a sound I like. It's still quite different from the original, but that's it for today Click here to listen to AshitakaTest.wav.mp3
  4. hello, im still quite new to making music using synthesizers, so i simply can't figure out how to create the pad sound, joe hisaishi often uses in his miyazaki soundtracks (see the first seconds of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pKY0GLxjPc and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsIScMWhGt8). can anybody give me a few hints how i can create this (preferably using reason)? thanks in advance
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