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  1. thanks everyone who has checked this stuff out @Ectogemia I really appreciate the constructive criticism..I feel like people are always hesitent to offer it...anyways, the samples come from all different places.. many of the leads are samples from my Nord Lead II,while most of the other stuff we use is just junk I've collected over the years from scouring the internet. Also thanks for checking out my other stuff too! I agree that its not as strong.. it was my first attempt but certainly not my last at ambient music + now i have a juno 106
  2. www.georgeandjonathan.com Hi, my name is Jon Baken. I make up one half of George & Jonathan. We just finished our first album. Although our sound is typically described as chiptune, we draw influence from many other genres including funk, prog, dance, and jazz.. download for free or donate... either way ENJOY!!!
  3. Hey my name is Jon Baken I recently finished an electronic album with my friend George Brower. we're big fans of VG music so and sure that will be evident upon listening. Check it out ! www.georgeandjonathan.com
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