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Posts posted by Jonnas

  1. I just remembered Pokémon Pinball! My favourite tracks from that game actually came from other places:


    (Ecruteak City. This theme actually debuted in Pinball, not GS.)

    -Blue Field ~ Catch'em and Evolve (Pokémon Anime, Original Japanese Opening. You should've seen my surprise when I first heard that Japanese theme)

    -Red Field ~ Catch'em and Evolve (RBY Bicycle Theme)

    -Seel Stage (RBY Surf theme)

    Also, I couldn't help but notice the absence of Tetris, the quintessential Game Boy game.

    for everyone!
  2. Donkey Kong 94 - The

    against DK, which is surprisingly epic and complex, considering the rest of the soundtrack

    Pokémon TCG -

    . The game may seem silly for some, but the soundtrack should be appreciated.

    Pokémon Red/Blue - There's plenty to choose from:










    Pokémon Gold/Silver - Likewise, the soundtrack is incredible:


    theme. Incredible remix;

    -Also, the

    battle theme;


    The Pokémon games have plenty more, though.

  3. YES! Game Boy! This will be fun...

    Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge - This game's reused tracks are miles better than the NES counterparts, for starters (especially Cutman's). Second, some of the original tracksare incredibly catchy. But the

    is the best track, definitely. One of the best credit themes I've heard.

    (P.S: You americans sure had an ugly boxart...)

    Mole Mania - An awesome obscure game, the game's cheery

    is incredibly catchy.

    (As a sidenote, the fact that this game did not make a single appearance in Brawl is criminal)

    I'll post more as I remember them.

  4. I played the PSP remake of Rondo of Blood and was not impressed with old school Castlevania

    however I love SotN so much that I believe it eventually deserves a second chance

    For the record, I believe Rondo of Blood is overrated. Definitely a step down from Super Castlevania IV. The multidirectional whip makes the game.

    But hey, opinions and such.

    As for Metroidvanias, they're all good in different ways. Aria of Sorrow is my favourite, though.

    Sonic? Who's that?

  5. Yeah, I've also discovered Day in the Limelight, and it is fun as hell. I really like how well integrated some of the powers are (Cut and Ice Man especially so far).

    Elecman was my favourite, though. He was always my favourite robot master.

    And Fireman's stage was very creative. Incredible was the fact that he only used enemies and traps from the original stage.

  6. Ma, some really cool ideas there. The Psycho Waluigi game has potential. If it didn't have 16-bit graphics, I would've mistaken it for a real Nintendo product.

    And the "Day in the Limelight" Megaman game is awesome. The game I've wanted since childhood. It's very well done. I would love some reference to Wily's revenge for the GB, but it's great as it is.

  7. Oh boy, where to start...?

    Accessibility is important. Games that you can just pick up and play (and by extension, games where you can easily let a friend join in) are seen as fun by a wide variety of people. Wii Sports, DDR, most 2D platformers, fighting games with flashy button-mashing, arcade shoot'em ups and party games all qualify for this.

    A simple concept, along with simple or intuitive controls can go a long way in terms of popularity. This is usually hard to accomplish (while maintaining the game original and fresh, that is), and is downright impossible for certain genres.

    Speaking of which, there are those gamers with more "niche" tastes, of course. These include (but are not limited to): micromanaging stats/classes/equipment, solving complex puzzles, exploring the intricacies of a competitive game, exploring a vast world, or even just enjoying a long, compelling story.

    Considering most of these involve complex tasks which require commitment, their accessibility is greatly reduced. Most who enjoy these games, however, will tell you that the most fun comes from the journey: exploring the game's content and possibilities is where they find their enjoyment.

    I could go into a bit more detail about what makes each genre fun, but it's getting late, here. I'll post more later.

  8. now people are saying sonic colors will be good

    they even played a demo and it's good

    What demo? I'm basing my opinion on Unleashed, that gets undeserved hate because of the werewolf and the PS3/X360 versions.

    As for Sonic 4, I stopped raising my hopes once they announced the return of the homing attack. That should've told everyone this wasn't going to be an old-school Sonic, no matter how much they tried to say otherwise.

  9. So the final verdict is that Sonic 4 is ass. I haven't played it yet, so I'm just going on with what "the fans" are saying.

    Can we just put the final nail in the coffin and just never talk about Sonic games like they were relevant ever again now?

    Sonic Colours seems to be game that will make Sonic relevant again. It looks amazing.

    Sonic 4 was just another of Sega's mistakes. (For now, at least. They may change something in the following episodes, though I'm not getting my hopes up.)

  10. Sega doesn't want to make the effort to make Sonic new and fun again, they insist on milking the population of fans until the franchise is as old, dry and boring as Mario is getting these days.

    Umm... What? Mario? Really? If you're talking about the spinoffs, fine, but the main Mario platforming series is the antithesis of what Sega have been doing with Sonic.

    At least Sega isn't remaking the same game over and over again and calling it new (Zelda anyone?)

    Why do you phrase this like Sega went for the better option?

  11. I tried facing every single extra bounty boss in the game but I couldn't fucking beat ANY of them outside of Piastol a couple of times. Maybe it was my inexperience with that particular RPG or something, though. One of these days I'll have to see where I stand now.

    The thing is, your characters have incredibly cheap moves and the game expects you to use them against the bounties, which are some the hardest fights in the game. They even level up along with you, so grinding doesn't work.

    But Daikokuya takes the cake. He's fast, has competent bodyguards (that he can revive) and a move that nearly kills your party and confuses the survivors. I hate that bastard.

    Not that Piastol was easy, either.

  12. And I will admit I could never beat Piastol after a certain point in Skies of Arcadia Legends.

    As well as just about every fucking extra boss. Fuck the IxaTaka Sisters.

    Did you try facing Daikokuya the Wealthy? The sisters should cower before him.

    Off the top of my head, more hard bosses that I remember...

    -That pair of Frankestein Monsters in Castlevania: PoR. Outlasting the timer is not a victory, as far as I'm concerned. Which means I still haven't beaten those bastards;

    -Beating the A-Path's final boss in Valkyrie Profile: CoP can be easy once you get a New Game+. Beating it without a NG+ takes much, much more skill.

    (It's cool that the "Good Ending" is the hardest thing to obtain, though. It fits with the theme of the game);

    -Fefnir is the hardest boss in MM Zero, for me. Predictable, but so hard to dodge;

    -Jumpin' Jack Flash and The Anthem are the hardest songs in Elite Beat Agents. Considering we're facing Aliens and a Golem, they count, right?

  13. pretty prevalent in recent FF games, along with Ivalice entries. FFX and X-2, along with XII and XIII all directly deal with these issues in some form or another. Aside from that, pretty much every Squeenix title I've played of recent memory at least passes the Bechdel test.

    Ah, okay. I was just curious since I haven't played the recent ones.

  14. Wow, that really is one of the deepest topics you could've chosen. And yes, this is all ingrained in society, not just games.

    Thankfully, strong female roles are becoming more common, but the overabundance of fanservice out there is disgusting. It just shows how juvenile our society can be

    Properly portrayed bi/homosexuals are incredibly rare, not just in videogames. Thinking about it, the only games I remember playing with non-stereotypical homosexual characters are from the Fire Emblem series (and that's depending on character relationships, with the exception of Heather, who is an assumed lesbian)

    By the way, in "Ethnic diversity", you mentioned Square-Enix. Why, exactly? The only non-white/asian characters I can think of are Barret, that new guy from XIII and the fictional races.

  15. So all of these franchises can add gimmicks or gameplay changing things and its considered the series evolving but whenever Sonic does it, it's wrong...

    I don't know much about the Dreamcast games, but the major complaints come from the fact that, when recent Sonic games added new stuff, it was either badly implemented or felt completely forced.

    Me, I didn't enjoy any of the 3D Sonic games I played, except for Unleashed (and 3D Blast, if we're counting that one).

    I think Sonic Colours, and not Sonic 4, is the path the series should take from now on. At this point, I haven't played either, and limited myself to only a few gameplay videos, by the way.

    Also, old Sonic games had occasional glitches, too. I remember being stuck in a wall in Scrap Brain Zone, and had to wait until the timer had elapsed in order to restart the stage. Those long, 10 Sonic-Minutes were a pain to sit through.

  16. am i the only one that likes Hideki Ishikawa's the best? :(

    That skirt kinda irks me. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with that design, I just find it a bit "meh".

    Regardless of who the winner is, I hope the other 8 designs appear as NPCs or something.

  17. Hayato Kaji's is my favourite, actually. I'm one of those guys who thinks that the simpler, the better. Not to mention that Metool hat is just adorable.

    Though the only ones I don't like are Nakayama's, Yoshikawa's and Ishikawa's.

  18. So... Even though I never played a Megaman Legends game before, I'm keeping my eyes peeled up for this game, just in case it's friendly for franchise-newbies.

    And why am I bumping this thread? Apparently, the developers haven't settled on a heroine design yet, and are holding a poll for fans to vote out of 9 possible designs.

    Since I remembered this thread, I thought I'd let you know.

  19. I seriously doubt this could turn into a disaster of that scale for either company. But it could mean losses, which would still have an impact on the industry as a whole.

    Yeah, I might have been blowing things out of proportion, there.

    Those were successful?

    I remember EyeToy being pretty successful. Casual players loved it before the Wii came along, and it was marketed better than most consoles.

    Though I don't know how much it sold, I would be surprised if it didn't sell well, considering they were still making games for it in 2008.

    As for ROB, Ambassador already covered that.

  20. I too think they will fail. Optional peripherals are rarely successful (R.O.B. and Eyetoy being the exceptions)

    Even if I usually prefer Nintendo's consoles, I do hope this doesn't turn into a disaster for either Sony or Microsoft. Competition is good, and can always bring something different for the table. Sega's demise was bad enough already.

  21. I know it's supposed to show that it's irrational, but it sure as hell made me not want to continue an adventure with an asshole.

    Well, I thought it was a nice change of pace, myself. But opinions, I know.

    Besides, maybe it's the historian in me, but given the culture they were brought up in, the mother would NEVER have cursed the gods- such a society would have killed people like that a long time ago. She may have cursed the king that had caused the war, but never the gods. It just didn't jive.

    Said mother went insane when she heard of her husband's death, though. Her son just followed in her footsteps.

    But we have dwelled on this long enough. I like the game, you don't. That's that.

  22. Valkyrie Covenant: I went about it, but the plot and gameplay mechanics were so frustrating, that I just up and quit.

    Really, the plot makes no sense. This is a warrior culture, the dude's dad died in battle and went to Valhalla, and he's pissed at the gods? Why? Because... they took his soul to heaven?

    The kid grew up with his mother cursing the Gods, blaming them for his father's death and his family's poverty. It's irrational, but there's a valid reason for his motives.

    And the entire point of the plot is that his revenge is irrational and pointless, anyway.

    Yeah, JRPG hero! Rage against the machine!

    I'm so tired of this argument... Anyone is a typical JRPG hero, these days.

    Apparently, someone who can slaughter his trusting friends without batting an eye in order to kill a benevolent Goddess is also a typical JRPG hero.

  23. Even though I've been following OCRemix for quite some time, only recently did I sign up.

    And I have to say that this album is fantastic. I loved Final Fantasy V (so undernoticed, but it's my kind of RPG), so I knew I was going to enjoy this.

    But this overcame my expectations and more. Remixes made not as reinterpretations of the original tracks/scenarios, but remade to suit the jobs and characters of the game? Awesome idea.

    Better than that idea was the execution. Every single track from this album fits those characters and jobs to a T. More, even though they were made with FFV in mind, the album manages to stand on its own, and even those who disliked/never played FFV can enjoy this project.

    Pretty much the only bad thing I have to say about this is that The Path to Glory is somewhat similar to Go the Distance (also from Sixto Sounds), which I prefer. I normally wouldn't bring something like this up, but I can't help but draw comparisons whenever I listen to Bartz's Theme. Nothing too serious, though.

    Somehow, you guys certainly managed to top Kong in Concert. This is now my second favourite album, right behind Summoning of Spirits. I am, however, pretty sure that the complete 5-album project will surpass SoS and most albums released afterwards.

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