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Posts posted by Aster

  1. If anyone else is looking for guitars on their projects, I'd be glad to fill in.

    Now I've done a few tracks on the forums I think I've proven reliability so you know I wont accept a part then not deliver. Even did a track with 2 days notice over Yesterday and today inbetween parties so yeah, hit me up.

  2. Its a very noticeable contrast, complete silence to amp hiss. Maybe the start of it isn't such an issue because I can just shave that recording to the point where the actual playing starts. But the end sure seems to create a problem. After the strings finish ringing out I'm once again left with the natural hiss of the amp

    Use a noise gate in post production.

    Revalver has the gatekeeper which is one of the best, you let the hiss play and hit the pedal to let the noise gate learn the hiss noise and it removes it.

    I understand that there may be other VST effects that are free but I don't have any knowledge about them. Perhaps if you can't find a good noise gate then you could upload the track so someone with the right tools can gate it for you on the forums.

  3. Now looking for just a guitar player to do all the electric guitar parts (and maybe even the Spanish-sounding acoustic stuff at the beginning if possible). Here's the latest WIP:


    And here, again, is the WIP thread.

    If you can upload the track today, I'll get it done before thursday.


    I have a pretty close patch made up to how your synth sounds, to be honest, your guitar synth is pretty great.

    The rhythm guitar sounds pretty similar to my emg's with the mesa

    Once I get the midi, I'll train up on the timings and get a recording done, shouldn't take too long.

    I could get it to sound almost identical to the existing recording

  4. I'm having a frustrating problem with REAPER (I'm a new user trying to learn the ropes): I have my soundfont players (SFZ and the Font! one) both installed, and I've got two different sound libraries (one orchestral and one guitar-based) as well. My first problem is that when I assign the SFZ soundfont player to a track, IT ONLY PLAYS THE FIRST INSTRUMENT ON THE LIST. Even if I change the instrument on the SFZ player in the FX settings, when I actually hit "play", it always reverts to the first instrument on the list and ONLY plays that one...then when I open the FX options to check, sure enough, it automatically reverted to the first instrument. I'm not sure how to fix this.

    My second problem is, with the Font! player, I can't hear any sound at all when I play back the instrument (although the player can load instruments and I can see it playing them "digitally", I don't hear sound!). This problem is puzzling because I can hear the playback of the SFZ player, but for some reason I can't hear sound with the Font! player.

    Any advice is appreciated - thanks.


    Double click the midi track to edit, zoom in and right click any note and select 'note properties' observe the midi track value. Make sure the sfz player is set to the same midi channel as the midi track itself.

    As for fx control, it's an option inside the fx window but I can't remember which off the top of my head.

  5. Well I'm not sure what DAW is. But to mix the tracks I use MixPad.

    But everything is pretty good as far as playing goes. Still missing that acoustic guitar riff behind the solo though.

    The intro riff is spot on though.

    The solo is spot on too.

    However, the main melody at :50 is a bit off compared to the midi and synth guitar versions. You should recheck that.

    So pretty much if you just correct that, it'll be perfect.

    A DAW is a digital audio workstation program. It's the software that is used to record tracks, add effects, adjust everything. Cubase, protools, apple garageband and reaper are the most common ones afaik, I see the program you use is similar.

    I'm not sure if it's some sort of multi-track audacity like program or one with proper vst host compatability.

    For reference, this is what reaper looks like, very easy to use imo :)


  6. So how's it going? Hope you just aren't going to stop posting with no explanation. lol

    I had the recording finished by yesterday morning but there's some accounting to do before I can upload. There's just too many tracks in the daw right now.

    I have recordings of every stem with every pickup, 5 different solo takes with different note inflections and direct input as well as rendered outputs in multiple patches from my equipment. Should have the song down to under 10 guitar tracks by tomorrow by selectively removing piece by piece


    That's the most straight forward version, the midi notes everything really staccato so it's a bit tough to work with some notes and in other takes I don't cut off some sections.

    I would have it finished tonight but I'm being dragged outside by my gf. I'd rather stay in and complete things tbh but... women :tomatoface:

    What DAW software do you use so I can export the right filetypes?

  7. Today I attempted to learn the song "Batman Chases Inque" from the Batman Beyond series by jamming along in real time to the recording. I know was off time here and there, but what I'm trying to do is figure out all the correct notes.

    This is the best I got so far


    Lol the link has -_0 face

    P.S. Audio/Video sync on my webcam went to shit for some reason.

    Nice work there :)

    Song has a cool rhythm to it, reminds me of megadeth.

    Perhaps you should do a remix of it and throw in a few solos, tear it up a bit. 8)

  8. I've transcribed the guitar parts now and learned everything,

    I'll spend tomorrow with a metronome and work up the timing etc.

    For some reason, I'm getting a brittle sound on my recordings, nothing like the in room audio. I think it might be my microphone not working well or my inept mic placing.


    I may have to use revalver and reamp the raw wav's. Either way, I'll supply the raw with the processed lines.

    Can you work with reaper project files?

    There are lines with no vibrato/note inflection that sound too straight, is it ok to inflect for variance?

    (like some long notes of steady pitch could have slides off and a harsher pick attack for more click in the sound)


  9. Recording's pretty weak, but ***damn that guitar playing is exactly what I'm looking for when I look for a guitarist! :)

    I'll definitely keep your name on file as I'm sure I could find use for something like this. Whats your email address?

    Any pointers on what's wrong?




  10. Depends on the guitar and scale length.

    Always the small stubby 3mm though, can use a jazz mini in a pinch but my private playing is all economy picking and the red jazz picks catch the strings a bit, like scrape across them.

    With the stubbies it's more like playing with air and you can get a serious clack with them and good bang for your buck on attack intensity, the louder dynamic with smaller movement is sweet for lazy players like me.

  11. An artist named Conlon nancarrow used to create music by punching holes into piano rolls for an automatic mechanical piano he developed.

    He would sequence fast passages in a staggered fashion and many musicians thought his music was manually played and developed crazy new techniques to replicate the very fast syncopation. The were not aware of a mechanized piano.

    The opening theme has a straight example of such music, chiptune sequencing the same as nancarrow used to do. It's nice to see old standards in new formats.

  12. Got some recorded examples of your playing style, do you?

    I know a guy looking for some guitar work on an SD3 track, so I'm interested to hear how good you are.

    I don't have too much on hand except covers of songs.


    That's the only track I have with my new guitar, it sounds very different to my older recordings due to the active pickups and amp I have and represents the kind of sounds I would produce today with the equipment owned

    The next track I feel shows off note inflections much better and ability to mimic very complex sequences.

    It's a megadeth song and although the solo is long, it's not improvised but pre-written.

    My guitar was not as good when this was made though, I also used a zoom g9.2tt instead of an amp.


  13. Alright. Thanks.

    The backing track with no guitars is here:


    And the midi is here:


    When you record the tracks though, can you record them seperately? You know, one track for each guitar part?'

    You can also improvise at the section at 1:57, if you want to. It's not necessary though.

    Yeah, sure.

    I usually record both the raw guitar and the mic'd amplifiers.

    This allows me to reamp the recording through different setups when needed but things should be good with just a mesa triaxis and a few basic postprocessing tweaks.

  14. Hey, MikeViper here. I recently composed an original Heavy Metal composition. You can listen to it here...

    However, in this version of the composition, the guitars are midi.

    So I'm looking for an experienced guitarist, to record parts of this song, with real guitars.

    There are 4 main parts that I need recorded:

    -The lead guitar part

    -The backing guitar part

    -The rhythm guitar part

    -An acoustic guitar part

    If you're interested, I can give you the original midi, so you can sync your recordings to that.

    If you can live with a 5 day turnaround, I'll be glad to do this.

    If you could send me the backing and the midi, I'll start right away.

  15. Hey guys, I'm not too great at composing but if anyone wants any guitar parts laid down then I can meet that need.

    I can play anything required at any style or level, I just like playing.

    My experience is mostly comprised of covering weird and strange guitar music from the likes of bumblefoot and darren housholder to time requiem though mostly these days I am trying to imitate guthrie govan and andy james.

    Anything you want done from ambient guitar to rock rythm or the doomsday or malicious fingers, I'll take it. :-)

  16. When the source has better production than your mix, you might be doing something wrong.

    The sample quality is really poor, especially the violin is downright painful. Everything is also really quiet, dry and upfront. It sounds like you just imported the midi, applied some samples, and exported it as mp3 without really doing anything else with it.

    Is there any decent professional violin samples or fonts available?

    (price no issue)

    To a degree, what you describe is what I did, aside from actually playing guitar parts.

    The quiet mix is kind of purposeful, I hate over-compressed volume pumped mixes.

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