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Everything posted by BeaTStrykerRX

  1. ok, back again b4 bedtime. i finished a working loop of the song. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZQ8SZ3MG
  2. Ever since I found OCRemix I've been in love with the site. Listening to all the creative music here finally made me step up to the plate and attempt to..enhance one of, what I feel anyway, the best boss themes ever. I'm surprised that no other music from The Legend of Dragoon has made it on this site, but anyway, because this is my first song-in-progress, I would like to here feedback from some of the more elite remixers on what you guys, and gals , think. Anything to get better. This is just the intro and a bit of the beginning of the song, as I am trying to learn FL Studio at the same time. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J9JJMZOC
  3. lol hardest boss? id say, ATM, the wingly magician Faust from legend of dragoon. not only is his magic supreme, he gets like 3-4 turns in a row sometimes.....unbelievable
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