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Everything posted by blackdave

  1. Uh, its "set up us" not "set us up", and I'd have to disagree with DJpretzel's review apart from All Your Base syntax. The transitions were fine to me, only real noticeable because of Pretzel's comment. I think Pretzel has a tendency to pick on really small things when he listens to remixes, and focus a little too much on them in the reviews. Maybe the key changes could have been done a tad better, but there was absolutely nothiing wrong with em. I mean i know Pretzel wasn't hating, but tone of the review seemed a little too critical of the transitiion. I dont think anyone "set up us the keychange" Again, "set up us" is the correct all your base reference. "Set us up" is correct english.
  2. I dont know what to think of this remix. It borderlines arhymic and sheer genius. It doesn't seem to go anywhere which sorta bothers me. Sorta related to how I'm not a big trance person. Definately good mood music, but then again I dont know what mood it puts me in. . . So unique I admire it. But yet I'm disturbed that it could be the product of less effort . . . OR could it like be the creation of a new genre of music in itself? I dont know. . . but its worth time to at the least analyze it.
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