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Everything posted by Morien

  1. Okay, so this is gonna as much of my intro as it is a song I'm gonna show off. When I started out making mixes, I won't lie saying that I was just redoing the original songs, following them by sheet. At that point, the only thing original I was doing was percussion at the time. It's actually been only recently that I've been remixing certain tracks (case in point for this song, the bassline and drumline). At this rate, I'm not gonna keep you guys waiting any longer to see what I've done, so here is where I put it. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/375818 It's kinda finished, but I wouldn't mind going back on it and really going nuts on it. It's under a different title here only so people can find it easier. So yeah, this is what I feel is alright enough to give a first impression of what I can do. Let's see what you guys think.
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