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Everything posted by DrWily

  1. Hello Id like to hear Vaatis wrath. It should be more dark, and epic than the original but more away from the 8bit sounds. it should sound more "reallife" like from a orchestra or organ. and it should be longer if possible.. Also more alternations like the Zeldatune within the Music (at 0:46) but more. I hope you get what i mean.
  2. Hallo, I found one good remix on youtube but the quality is awefull and the japanise Vocals sucks... id like to hear Advent Destiny (without Vocals) in a Tranceremix. It should sound like a Tune wich could be played i a dancehall, so not so 8 bit Midi Style. It should be fast and drums and bass must boom with some alternations if possible
  3. well thank you, only got a Youtubelink: (thats the original Minishcap Vaatis Wrath) maybe one could remix tunes from Vaatis maintheme to extent it a bit or so, i dont know: /Vaatis Theme) Quality is awefull but you get the point i guess.
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