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Caer Seraphim

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  1. Through pure mistake on this night, I listened to it again on a different program with no "rock" filter from Winamp, and LORD, does it sound wildly different in some respects. I'm gonna have to take this into account. I'll be back to post a new version in another week or two, and I'll try to reference your comments for guidance. Thanks for the feedback! I'm a n00b in terms of remixing, lacking experience and simply extracting enjoyment out of the process thus far. -EDIT- My other program had a different sound filter on it. Turns out the normal version is in between. No worries. My previous statement stands. -/EDIT-
  2. Caer Seraphim - Angelic Kefka (work in progress) This is a lite-metal version of the final battle with Kefka that I've been tinkering around with for the last month or so. I think one of my next plans is to change around the second part after it repeats, clear out some of those instruments and replacing it with a more original-sounding guitar solo or something to that effect. Anyway, this is my first post on this site. Any feedback one can offer? Do be kind.
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