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    self-proclaimed Overlord of the Universe

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  1. Awesomeness. The only question remains is, is it possible to hack these tracks into the game? I can't remember if it used nothing but compressed audio, or if there was some sequenced audio in there... (The latter would make the project more difficult if not impossible to do completely).
  2. So here I was, updating my OCR list. It's a pretty multitask-heavy activity, but when I ran into this, it came to a screeching halt. I must say that technically, this is the most impressive electronically produced orchestral piece I have ever heard. Hands down. Jeremy Seoule has nothing on you Derek Greatly looking forward to the next movements.
  3. I tried converting the entire folder, and it only results in an empty folder in the destination. I also tried using Extreme Sample Converter, and it didn't even recognize the cd.
  4. Yea, well unless Kontact is within the $40 price range, it's a bit out of my reach
  5. I managed to get one of the discs extracted by using my roomate's computer; simply make an iso and move it over to my computer. The problem is with the second, larger, and more important library. Trying to open the iso, or even the disc without any read errors using CDxtract results in two categories in the Volumes section; one with a line of funky y's with two dots over, and the other called _Orphan_perf, with one item in the performance category, again a line of funky y's with the two dots over them. Nowhere in in sight are the actual samples. Don't know if it will help, but at the back of the disc case in the corner, it says "ROLAND QLBROL"
  6. My computer is having tremendous difficulty reading these roland cds using cdxtract. I have to open and close my cd tray several times in order for the cd to even load, and then about 50% of the time it fails to load a sample. Does anybody have a solution? I tried making an iso but no programs that I use recognize that there's a disc in there.
  7. Thank you all for your help. Time to get to work.
  8. So a while back I partook in the clusterf**k at soundsonline when they had that closeout sale, $800 worth of sample CDs for $40. I had to leave for the summer, so I just stowed them away, knowing I can always get the hardware/software to use the CDs when I get back. So now I am back in business, and I would like some solid advice. Should I buy the conversion program I remember hearing people talk about, and convert them to creative soundfonts for use with my Audigy 2 ZS, or should I buy an extra sequencer card that can process the samples natively, assuming that's even an option? I myself am all for the second option, so long as it's not prohibitively expensive (~100 dollar range), as I would rather have more hardware to be able to handle particularly large projects. So basically, I am a lazy bastard and would like people to point me toward the generally agreed upon best choice for sequencer cards that can process roland soundfonts, or conversion programs that can change them to creative soundfonts without giving me too much of a headache. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. When you refer to loading them, are they being loaded into the computer's ram, or onto the soundcard's? Ideally, I would like to find a program that can convert them into a usable format for my SB live (SF2, sbk, slf), don't know if that would be possible given the size and structure.
  10. Hmm. What kind of program would run and play them? Something as big as Cakewalk or Fruity Loops? A go-between program that loads them into my card? Something different entirely? I don't know a whole lot about hardware, but if that's what you're talking about is there a simple little usb periphrial that could do it?
  11. I don't know a whole lot about this commercial sound mumbo jumbo, is there a way I could take this and run it on my SB live based card?
  12. I remember a long time ago using it, and appreciating it's very minimalistic interface that at the same time had small things here and there that made it so incredibly easy to use. It was a small and minimalistic program, for one. I remember you could give it a sound file to try and match (like, giving it a sound file of a square wave at C2, and any sounds that sounded like a square wave around C2 would be accurately mapped). It also had a subtle color difference between the black keys and the white keys on the piano roll (which made things so much easier I wonder why more expensive midi programs don't do it), and most importantly, each note on the piano roll were a different shade of blue, with the stronger blues being louder notes, and the whiter blues being softer, which made it even easier to pick out the actual notes, and ignore the noise. Any thoughts?
  13. Hah, I remember using that program when it was new. Too bad I can't find it anywhere.
  14. So I have been working on a number of piano pieces (both remixes and originals), and I want to put them into a readable, presentable portfolio of sorts. While cakewalk works for changing midi into staff, it's options are very limited, and it has a few quirks here and there (randomly putting in 16th rests while the cleff is still playing, the inability to half or double all the note lengths, lack of symbols to notate with, and more specifically, notes aren't barred together when in 5/16th time signiture) which hamper my progress. Any suggestions?
  15. It seems to me the timing issue was intentional. djp said himself that this piece is narritive--well when that part came in, it gave me an offsetting feeling, as if something wasn't right. It was actually a nice method to portray such feelings, and it adds to the cinematic quality of the entire piece.
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