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Posts posted by Mekamodo

  1. It's been a while since I've posted any of my remixes to OCR so I thought I'd share these finished VG remixes I've done recently. I'm now using the name Mikrowave instead of Mekamodo.

    Ecco the Dolphin: Tides of Time - Lunar Bay (electro house remix)


    System Shock 2 - Ops 2 (dubstep remix)


    Legend of Zelda - Underworld (dubstep remix)


    this is a remake of my original remix of this tune I posted about a year ago, now much improved :)

    Let me know what you think!

    -Mikrowave / Mekamodo

  2. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    Yeah, perhaps the original chiptune was used too much at the beginning, but I only actually did the chopping up of that loop late on in production and didn't want to spoil it by using it at the beginning.

    As for low frequencies there is a sidechained sub bass in the tune, but I think perhaps its a bit too low frequency as it's almost impossible to hear on the soundcloud player. So maybe next time I'll add more mid end to the sub bass next time to give it more presence in the mix.

  3. I'm liking this tune, nice ambient electronica vibes going on. Perhaps though the drums could be louder, more compression might work to give them more presence in the mix.

    Also maybe adding more bass could be cool in this tune.

    I really like the bit at 1:45 with the arpeggios, sounds like the pefect bit to drop a bassline afterwards, and bring the beat in with more force.

    That just my opinion though which might be making it too much like dance rather than electronica.

  4. Thanks. Yeah, I chopped up the original loop in a slicer - and it sounded pretty electro so I was pleased with that. I also added another oscillator to the dubstep style main lead and changed the EQing to give it more presence in the mix without interfering with the mid bass too much.

    I did try and do more modulation of the mid bass but every setting I messed with didn't make it sound any better - so I guess I need to learn more about using that synth first before trying anything too fancy.

    I think I may have to call it a day now on this tune, as after 59 versions I am a little tired of working on it! So I think I may make this the final version.

    Besides I have a System Shock 2 remix and a Panzer Dragoon Zwei remix that have been sitting on my computer waiting to be finished for several months now - best get back to work on them next I think.

  5. Thanks. Yeah I've been trying to create that beat for ages. As is always the case it turned out to be really simple once I'd worked out exactly where each kick and snare goes.

    So by changing the dynamics, do you mean adding more elements to increase the variety of the sections where it drags? Or messing around with the existing elements more?

  6. I made these tunes a few months ago so thought I'd post them up here and see what people think. They're both inspired by tunes from Ecco: Tides of Time on the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. That game had some amazingly futuristic psychedelic music and the original soundtrack is well worth a listen if you've never heard it!

    First up is Lunar Bay, a dubstep tune based on the music that plays in the Lunar Bay and Moray Abyss levels. I choose to go with Lunar Bay for the title because I figured it would suit the spacey dubstep tune I tried to create:


    Next is Fault Zone, a house tune based on the Fault Zone music.


    Any and all feedback is appreciated - hope you like them!

  7. Cheers. Yeah, in the future I'd definately like to have something released on OCR, but I've got a long way to go before my tunes are good enough.

    And yeah, I agree with the variation thing most definately. My next remix will have a lot more effort on it. I've only just learned how to chop tunes up into nice loops for remixing (using Ableton was the key) so I'm gonna see what I can come up with next.

  8. Cheers for the feedback.

    It was actually just a little experiment I made over the course of a few hours to test whether I could use loops recorded from the original NES tune using Ableton in a tune. I spent most of that time just trying to get a 16 bar loop that seemed to work.

    I have no plans to try and get it released on OCR - it's just a little experiment.

    And for the record I did play it at a party and it went down well. If people like it that's great, if not it's no problem :)

  9. Yeah, I've just started work on another Zelda remix. It's good fun trying to make new versions of the tunes I grew up listening to. Especially because you can make versions that you can then play in a normal DJ set at parties.

    It's a shame modern computer games don't seem to have music as good as they had in the 80s and 90s. It's amazing what people could create with just a few sine, square and noise waves!

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