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Posts posted by freakydna

  1. Remix virt's Theme music to Retro City Rampage by March 28th, 2011 for chance to Win $400+ in Prizes! :shock:

    Main details are here: http://www.retrocityrampage.com/remix.php

    OCRemix Thread : http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33089

    Impulse Tracker / Open MPT Source (Suggested):





    The first place winner will receive a Soundcloud Pro account (€250/$340 USD) and the 2nd and 3rd place remixers will win a Lite account (€29/$40 USD). This is in addition to the signed cartridge case for the first place winner and signed cartridge stickers for the 2nd and 3rd place contestants already offered in the contest. Source .wav files and current submissions are available on the SoundCloud page:


    Of course people remixing the .it will still be able to win any (and possibly all) the prizes.


    The MIDI format has difficulties with pitch bend values in general, so you'll need to match the pitch bend range of the MIDI file to one octave of bend in your DAW of choice. There is a calibration bend at the start of the third channel (triangle wave) that goes up to +1 octave and holds it for a bit so you should hear a similar shift when using it in your remix.

    The channels are: 1- Pulse1, 2-Pulse2, 3-Triangle, 4-Noise(hi hats), 5-Kick, 6-Tom, 7-Snare

    I've also included a complete zipped FL Studio version for those of you that use FL.



    FL Studio:



    - Freaky DNA

  2. Just one week left for the Retro City Rampage Remix Competition.

    DUE: Monday March 28th.:shock:

    I've attached a MIDI file that is an approximation of virt's original score in .it format. It attempts to preserve the volume modulation, note cuts and the many pitch bends. It does not try to capture the pulse width modulations, slight variations in plucked and normal instrumentation and a few other finer details.

    There's likely some errors as I needed to (painstakingly/carefully) transcribe it bend-by-bend by hand in an effort to get even more people to try to remix the song.

    The MIDI format has difficulties with pitch bend values in general, so you'll need to match the pitch bend range of the MIDI file to one octave of bend in your DAW of choice. There is a calibration bend at the start of the third channel (triangle wave) that goes up to +1 octave and holds it for a bit so you should hear a similar shift when using it in your remix.

    The channels are: 1- Pulse1, 2-Pulse2, 3-Triangle, 4-Noise(hi hats), 5-Kick, 6-Tom, 7-Snare

    I've also included a complete zipped FL Studio version for those of you that use FL.



    FL Studio:



    - Freaky DNA

  3. Less than two weeks left to win the RetroCR Remix Compo

    $400+ in prizes !

    Details : http://www.retrocityrampage.com/remix.php

    Entries already streaming in & looking forward to hearing your entry soon !

    Join the Retro City Rampage Group and listen to some of the entries to beat :


    We'd be more than happy if you submit the .it to us on our page and we can upload it to the SoundCloud if you don't have an account.

    - fDNA

  4. If you're not familiar with .IT files, using ReViSiT is a good option:


    You could also try to "Export as MIDI..." from within ModPlugTracker but I'm not sure how accurate it is.

    As Crowbar Man says, it's good to also listen to the song and figure it out by ear, but the .IT file is nice to have as a reference. The .IT is a great learning tool as it's getting more rare these days to have the source available for pro composers like Virt !


  5. @sggod89:

    We've actually done better than post the MIDI file for the remix competition for Retro City Rampage - we've posted the .IT file here:


    This means you get not only all the notes but all the effects and instruments as well from Virt which is a pretty sweet deal..!

    The direct link is here:




  6. With some help from the gracious folks at Soundcloud, we've been able to sweeten the pot for everyone remixing the Retro City Rampage title song.

    The first place winner will now receive a Soundcloud Pro account (€250/$340 USD) and the 2nd and 3rd place remixers will win a Lite account (€29/$40 USD). This is in addition to the signed cartridge case for the first place winner and signed cartridge stickers for the 2nd and 3rd place contestants already offered in the contest.

    For those of you that need a bit more time, we've also extended the contest deadline by two weeks to March 28, 2011 so there's no reason not to submit your prize winning mix !

    Of course people remixing the .it will still be able to win any (and possibly all) the prizes.

    Remix details : http://bit.ly/hPEDXi

    Soundcloud : http://bit.ly/gPzPOz

  7. I'm one of the three composers on the indie game Retro City Rampage which has recently been nominated for excellence in audio by the Independent Games Festival. We've decided to share some of our good fortune by running a remix competition for the theme song and even give out virt's source file in .it format.

    All the source files and the details of the competition are here: :arrow:http://bit.ly/hPEDXi

    Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PST March 15th, 2011. ****** DEADLINE :: March 28, 2011 ******

    The winners will be announced by March 21st, 2011. ***** UPDATED :: March 31st, 2011. ******

    All styles and genres are welcome and we look forward to hearing some high quality and inventive mixes from the OCR community !


    Leonard J. Paul / Freaky DNA



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