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Posts posted by DetectiveTuesday

  1. Can Flex Pitch edit individual notes inside a chord, like Melodyne? That would make this the best DAW for the price.

    At any rate, looks like there are a lot of cool features in this update that would help make the workflow go more swimmingly. The smart controls seem convenient for mapping, and instruments groups would definitely come in handy for big projects.

  2. I don't think this one even hit the judges panel, it got direct posted afaik.

    Either way, would have YES'd it anyway :-) Absolutely amazing track, who are the rappers involved and how'd you find 'em?

    *super-bump* *raises hand* Just I.

    I showed Melody some of my other material when I met him on IRC and one day he asked me to rap on this track. I'm already a big fan of Gyakuten Saiban and Melody's beats are always tight so this was right up my alley. Had a lot of fun writing and recording it and I'm grateful to hear that you approve of this track, six months after the fact, ha.

  3. So... are we going to see Avatar-state Korra soon? I'm thinking that the events at the end of the last episode might trigger it.

    It may very well be FUCKING AWESOME.

    It will be indeed. The whole series has been keeping us relatively separated from the spiritual field, but Tenzin gave the first vocal mention of Korra's communicating with Aang, real shit popped off, and that flashback was more revealing than ever, so I'm sure we're on the verge of something. If not the Avatar-state, I still reeally wanna know what Aang has to say.

    Yeah, the show is awesomely entertaining. What a fight scene.

  4. Yo!

    Click the image below to hear my newest Gyakuten Saiban 2 Trial Theme remix. And here's the

    I've been working on a remix album of the Gyakuten Saiban series entitled GYAKUTEN MEETS THE STREETS. Thankfully, I managed to get myself a little over 100 youtube subscribers due to the rough drafts I had been posting for a while, but I stopped putting up new songs for almost a year and a half (reasoning being that I intended on finishing the whole album before posting anything else). That didn't really sit well with me though, and I found that in that time span my motivation had only been slowing down (even if I did make a good amount of progress in rap writing).

    At any rate, this is my first update to the series since way back then. I'm thankful for the 1 comment and 4 forum replies I've gotten elsewhere, it appears most of the people who used to listen to the series might be dead or something --. *shrug*, but I s'pose everyone has their rights to go dead for a while just as I had. So I bring my latest remix here, to OCRemix (by suggestion of The Pezman), in hopes to find one of my greatest motivators: feedback. By all means, let me know if you love/like/dislike/hate what you hear! As long as your hate includes constructive criticism, of course.

    I just realized upon listening to the source that I forgot the bridge completely >>. That's never happened to me in remixing anything else. It's a rough though, this'll be corrected. For now what's most important is the over all sound of things.

    Thanks for listening!

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1-XI8tzx5I I was never sure where this sample came from... But it might be Final Fantasy? *shrug* XV is pretty dope, by the way. I'd definitely suggest checking out the Please, Hold mixtape.

    ah this is the dude that did black & yellow; don't really know him for much else than that (and the remix purp & yellow which is great, go lakers :D). good stuff, i'll have to look into him a bit more.

    I suggest checking out the mixtape "How Fly" by Curren$y & Wiz Khalifa. It's a great collaborative effort and perhaps one of the best mixtapes of 2009 (at least, one of my favorites). I didn't love it the first time I listened, but upon second rotation I was just kinda like "this is chiiiillllll".

  6. 'Sup?

    Tuesday here. Saxophonist, Rapper, self-taught composer and producer, and a musician til death. It is my ambition to make music that will truly make your moment.

    I've been working on a Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney remix project for a little while now which goes by the name of GYAKUTEN MEETS THE STREETS. If you want, you can check drafts of the remixes on my youtube "detectivetuesday". To save you the trouble of typing that in,

    . There are 8 other Gyakuten Saiban remixes on my channel, as well as a few saxophone videos and raps. I'm also working on a free beat album with all original compositions, based on the "Free Beat Tuesdays" series that I posted on my youtube account a while back. I always appreciate feedback, so if you're interested, be sure let me know what you think about my music.

    At any rate, I've always been a gamer myself, and I believe that music is an important part of making a great game even greater (Guilty Gear is one of my favorite examples). I'm a fan of some remixes I heard here (I used to bump Rise of the Star heavy back in the day!), and when I hear a new interpretation of a song I like it inspires me to try to give that feeling back to someone else who might like another song (which is the idea behind my Ace Attorney album). And for the same reason, I'm sure I'll involve myself in projects here from time to time as well!

    So that's me. I come in peace, 'cause war leaves us in pieces like bullets 'til the streets become full clips.

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