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Everything posted by Kuugenthefox

  1. Yo Calum :P

    Really busy with university, are ya?

  2. Position has been filled by Calum, with Dj Mokram pending to do OP / ED tracks Close ( until the next vanish case )
  3. Since Dash vanished without a trace and I don't know if he's ever going to come back ( it's been way over a month ) I'm looking for someone new the same things from the initial post apply, just we have more progress now Talk to Kuugen in the ocremix irc channel or at irc.rizon.net #madokagame Ok, apparently I accidentally removed the most important part of the information. I'm saying it here again and added it back to the initial post. This is a non-profit project by fans for fans. Here is some sample art http://i56.tinypic.com/sbkj2r.jpg full sprite screenshot http://i52.tinypic.com/2ql8wsg.jpg close up screenshot ( screenshots because I don't want the original PNGs floating around on the net ) http://i51.tinypic.com/20t1dg8.png sample CG ( this one was released as promo art early on )
  4. vanished off the earth he has /yoda


  5. where are ya dash? I havent seen you in days D:

  6. I sent you a PM with the details Kenneth.
  7. I welcome Dash on board of Project Seelen Magie
  8. That's nice. The novel is very dark though, so you can 200% on the despair and sadness.
  9. The OST of the source material is composed by Kajiura Yuki ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuki_Kajiura ) There are many 'mysterious' or 'sad' sounding pieces, but the music for the VN doesn't necessarily have to be alike to the source material OST.
  10. Hi, I'll be explaining the project as a whole, briefly, now. Details can be gotten from Kuugen in the OCremix IRC channel. The visual novel, ( acronym VN ) (for those who do not know what that is might want to read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel ) is based on the japanese original anime franchise called Puella Magi Madoka Magica ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica ) which is an original story and franchise created by SHAFT Animations. By all means and considerations, it is a huge franchise with a massive following despite it's young age. Now for the actual beef. We, fans of the franchise, are creating a fanmade visual novel by and for fans of the franchise. We're aiming for a high quality product that we can be proud of to present to the masses. In case you wonder what the team looks like - Kuugen / Kuugenthefox: Writer / Project Leader - Raijenki: Programmer - nvm: Programmer - Saderis / deras_bgt : CG Artist - froznkamui: CG Artist - dantiger: Digital painter - meiji: Artist - Kuhaa: Grammar/Spelling/Punctation/Wording Editor - DrmChsr0: Content Editor - Shadowi / Jesujej: Content Editor - Rynex: BG Artist. What we really need is someone to compose ORIGINAL tracks for the VN. Right now I cannot say how many tracks will be requiered but even ONE track would already mean a lot to us. This is a non-profit project, and while we are technically looking at the option of being ABLE to sell the finished product at Comiket, that's too far in the future to even talk about. We are really hurting for original music, so if you love the franchise, please participate! The IRC channel for the VN is #madokagame on irc.rizon.net and the forum is http://forums.magicauniverse.com/index.php in both cases, look for Kuugen if you decide to participate.
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