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Disco Dan

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Posts posted by Disco Dan

  1. ok, I have a different idea. Less talk, more music. At about 1:30, it could easily turn into a kickass remix of the Knight Rider theme. Man I want to hear that now. OH MAN THIS IS LIKE, SO CLOSE to the Knight Rider theme. That percolated synth.

    But yeah. Cool synths and all, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Some chords, some random beats, and more reverse cymbals than even I use. Needs more substance. Maybe a middle and ending would be nice?



  2. Ever noticed how when you try to "sound" black when typing, it just looks goofy? Ok, so that's what I was thinking as I was reading Mr. Wingless's post. BUT, I'm gonna have to agree to pretty much everything that's been said. In fact, I thought it was mistitled and was in fact Magus's theme, but whatever. It's not very complex in that fashion either way you look at it. Anyway, the rapping is indeed tight, though I can't tell that it has much to do with the game, but then again, I have no idea what the game is about. Anyway, I hear notes, not lyrics. 'Cause I'm stupid like that. I think. OK, I'm rambling.



  3. hmmm

    Mastering's weird on this. Or maybe it's the panning. Or the encoding. Makes it sound like my headphones are slightly unplugged. Or rather the effect is the same.

    I'd say re-encode this one, please. It's not too long to keep it under the 6 meg limit. Interesting ideas, but the quality is pretty low. I'm gonna say no based on that alone, seeing as the quality level has come up a good deal in the last year or so, so:



  4. Well, the previous post is like, WAY off the bias scale, but still it's a good arrangement. A little OVER melodramatic at many points, but not BAD. It doesn't really hold MY attention, and that's MY main complaint. I have no doubt that others will love it. But my two complaints are that it seems overly pedantic and seems to rely heavily on ornamentation. Which may not always be a bad thing. Just, to ME, this sounds like it's meant as a sort of mock soap opera sort of thing. I dunno. That's just me. I personally can't stand it, but it's not badly done, so:



  5. ok so I'm downloading this song, and I'm perusing the current posts, and I do a slight double take realizing that the count is 4 no's and so I suddenly realize that I am not obligated to judge this.

    However, I will. Simply because... um. I don't know.

    Ok I listened. It's all been said, and there are too many other songs with not enough votes to dwell on this one for long. But yeah. Kind of dies there at the end. Drums could be more kickin'.



  6. Those horns make me cringe. Maybe because they sound less like horns and more like the organ sound that a carousel makes. Either way, this song essentially repeats itself twice through, and varies so little from the original. Also the ending is pretty... yeah. I can do nothing more than give this a solid:



  7. especially when the harmony often plays wrong or dissonant chords

    That's my big gripe. You've got these stepping 5ths going through out the whole thing, and they're not quite right with the accompanying notes. I like some of the effects, I like the beat. I like the percolating synth. I like the variety in the sections, but the wrong notes are killing me. Literally. I am dying. There are cuts in my skin for every wrong note played. I am bleeding-- oh god. The keuwbotadi sg etting gunkedup[




  8. MY GOD

    I'm half way through it and so far all of the chords are right... and now this scherzo part. I think I may have an aneurism. I'm gonna play this back with some reverb, but I really dig the arrangement. And the performance is top notch. This is MILES above kLuTz's previous submissions in my opinion, as far as the arrangement goes. I personally would have liked to see some more intentional dissonance as I think that's highly appropriate in a piece in this genre, but for what it is, I think this will do.



  9. What Vig said, plus, the arpeggios don't quite match the bassline that they're supposed to be accompanying. Especially in the third and fourth parts of each pattern. Yeah, I'm thinking, listening to this, that a study in harmonization would be a good thing.

    And what the hell is up with my earphones? I can't tell if this song is clipping or if it's my volume settings. It was clipping on the last song too. Oh well, I like the idea that starts out around 2:45 with the gated choir, but once again with the mismatched chords vs. bass issue we're having with the whole song. Sorry, it just doesn't sit well with me.



  10. Yup. Doing the 3/4 to 4/4 thing is a tricky business, and while it can be done, this doesn't seem to be the way to do it. The clipping doesn't seem to help. I like the big beat in the beginning, but the way the 3/4 is done on the 4/4 is a no go for me. Instead of stretching a 3/4 measure to fit 4/4, you've kept the beat value's the same and laid it on top of the 4/4 beat. And overall the song seems very sloppy. I am afraid I can not pass this.



  11. I think I didn't review this before because I had never played the game, but after playing the game (and checking the site to see there are a mere 2 mixes on the site from the game, and only one from the actual game (for shame!)) I felt it was necessary to listen with fresh ears.

    This game, SOTN, has me under the influence. I don't know what it is, but it's a soundtrack so varied, between classical, baroque, metal, techno, ambient, jazz, it's all there. I'm just ... guh.

    Anyway, the arrangement. (I refuse to call a song in this style a "mix" or "remix")

    Arrangement, performance, and interpretation (which I guess also falls under arrangement, since the performer is also the composer in this case) are ALL top notch. My gripe, like others would be:

    1) the recording is VERY quiet. Turn it up too loud and the hiss gets loud with it. I realize mic'ing a piano is not a simple task given standard home equipment, so this can be looked past. Plus there are some pretty crappy recordings of professional performers and orchestras out there that are on CDs that you PAY for, for crying out loud.

    2) the length is short, but about right for a piece of that style. But it would be nice to see the theme expanded and played upon more, but that would fall more under a theme-and-variations type of piece.

    But once again, a nice interpretation and a flawless performance. Thanks for putting at least one piece from this great soundtrack up here for the masses.


  12. Sloppy seems to be the word of the day. Also seems a bit overdone. I'm gonna have to agree with Binnie on this one. It doesn't SOUND like a serious attempt. Reminds me of something that would be played on one of those um... I think they're called "animutations." And the actual music part of it is mostly unison, which I suppose is appropriate for this genre (what genre is this??). But it grates after a while. And the lyrics aren't prominent enough to be the focus of the mix. That and that piano is sooooooooooooooo dry. Even just some stage ambience would be nice so it didn't sound like the practice pianos they made us use for Keyboard Skills 101. Ok I'm rambling now.



  13. yes, the drums can get terribly irritating. It reminds me of when I first started sequencing music. I'd want my drums to sound a certain way, and when I tried and failed, I'd try to remedy the problem by adding more drums. If that didn't work, I'd try rearranging the drum patterns per measure. It rarely seemed to work. Every once in awhile, I'd come up with some new and interesting, albeit weird, pattern that was actually usable.

    And other than the weird drums, we've got a set of patterns that are layered in various arrangements, but I'm gonna have to agree with prot on this one, in that it doesn't seem to go anywhere with those patterns. I'm gonna have to go with the tried and true:



  14. Ok, so this is post take 2, since vigilante so conveniently deleted the post.

    The only info I have is the following:

    Game: Sonic 3

    Remix Title: Snow Motion

    Remixer: SkyHigh

    E-mail: Pending

    Song: Ice Capped

    I forgot to get the guy's e-mail address and then he signed off but he said he had sent it via e-mail over a month ago.

    I then made some insightful thoughts about how I liked the groove it had, and I liked the quality of the instruments, but how, on the other hand, the song seemed to be the same thing looped twice, with very little variety from section to section.

    And after that I said I was torn.

    But as I said, Vigilante came along and sensing that I needed something to do, deleted this post, and asked me to edit it back into existence, so here it is.


  15. I'm pretty torn on this one.

    The goods, I feel are that it's a driving, solid sounding, well produced mix. There are some neat ideas that aren't just the same thing over and over again. Development within trance is a tricky thing to accomplish, but it's not impossible. He does that.

    However, there are gripes:

    The section from 1:33 to 2:40 uses mostly unisons and octaves. There is SOME harmony, but I have a feeling it's mostly incidental and not overly intentional, seeing as it's the bass following a similar pattern as the melody.

    The similarity of all the instruments bothers me as well. It's like a saw-wave festival or something.

    Also I can't stand the ending. The slow down is like a buzz kill.

    I don't know. I think I like what is good, but I also dislike what is bad about it to the same degree.

    I give it a:



  16. I've sort of been meaning to address most of these comments in a general blanket post so here goes:

    :arrow: The EQ thing with the voilins being piercing. This, I have no doubt, is true. It's due mostly to the fact that the headphones I've been working with are a bit bass-heavy, and hence treble-light. I don't really have speakers I can use, because the ones I had lost woofer power and are pretty much only worth the satellites now, and we all know what desktop satellites sound like without any low end. The other thing is, in the past, my songs (check out any of my megaman 3 stuff) have been generally bass heavy and lacking in treble. So I am probably subconsciously overcompensating for past EQ flubs, all the while listening to it on headphones that don't give me a good treble response. YES, I'll be getting some new ones or speakers as soon as funding becomes available. In the meanwhile, sorry for the ear damage.

    :arrow: The ending. I've been doing a lot of pop remixes lately, and so the tendency to end a song in a manner that caters towards mixing into another track has become a bit of a bad habit. I agree about the ending, and perhaps I rushed it. At this point I don't want to redo it and have it replaced or resubmitted as that sort of looks tacky, but I will admit it's not nearly as inspired as it could have been.

    :arrow: Choice of leads. I picked the banjo and the violin because I felt they definitely fit the mountain mood. I debated using synths, but that just felt wrong, so I went with the violin.

    :arrow: Bassline. djp's one comment was that the bassline was very standard. I kept it as simple as possible because of the genre and the driving feel I wanted to keep. I've found that complex basslines tend to lend themselves better to different genres, such as jazz, funk, fusion, etc. Though they're not out of place in some dance music, I just wasn't feeling anything in particular outside of the standard trance bass.

    can't think of anything else at the moment. As for last man standing's comments, they seem to be less about the song and more about his preference in music. Which is fine, 'cause everyone's entitled to their own tastes, it just sort of seems out of place in this particular thread. It's more like "I don't like this style of music, and hence this song," as opposed to "I don't like this song because of such and such technical reasons." Anyway, nothing wrong with negative reviews, it just seems to make more sense to have them be a bit more targeted around the mix instead of the genre.

    Also, I don't know if I'd classify this as trance, but I've never been good at genres so I'll let you all make that call. Thanks for the comments and compliments. Glad you're enjoying it.


  17. man. I had a similar idea. I was gonna do the whole megaman 3 soundtrack in piano ballad form as a joke... but then I started trying and found that some of them sounded REALLY good. So I had to stop. I was taking it way too seriously.

    Anyway, this is good. This is ... well, it's not THE BEST, but I'm basing this on great works, so, it beats the hell out of a lot of the other piano arrangements we get, and there's plenty of original content along with sticking with the source.

    A for originality

    B+ for execution (you know where you messed up, young man)



  18. Ok when this goes through I don't want to hear anymore bitching about 'judge bias.' As we all know, Sadorf, (which I still think is a stupid name. Don't believe me? Say it out loud.) is notorious for doing mixes and songs that are tonally impotent and chordally absurd. Yet we have this mix, which as far as I am concerned is fine. So, despite the fact that in the past he would have submitted some torturous ear pain and we would have said flat out NO, and despite the fact that if we were biased, as some claim, we would have seen his submission and said no, simply based on the fact that it was his name, that's not how it's happening. So please shut up about it.




  19. I'm gonna be honest here. I like this. I DON'T like the samples because (with the exception of the guitar and bass) they sound pretty .... low qual. I would like to see this done with higher quality samples, personally. I don't really see anything musically wrong with it, other than its being really short. The feel is nice and funky, but with the samples it's got, it doesn't really stand out. It reminds me of like, one of those movie "behind the scenes" things where they show you the 3-D model in action but without mapping, and it looks pretty dull, even though the final product turns out pretty sweet.

    I don't know. I'm kind of torn on this one. The beat is nice. The bass is funky. I'd just like to hear an improvement in the quality of the other instruments. Hell, if you send me a pm, I'll see if I can't hook you up with some more realistic strings... I don't know. Maybe even some stereo effects or something. SOMETHING seems incomplete about this! ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

    I'll come back to this...


  20. you wimped out. at 0:56. The tough chord progression (O GNO!) comes in and you left it dry. tsk tsk. Oh, but you took a shot at it the second time around. But man... liberties have certainly been taken. Not to mention the ending is kind of... well, reminds me of the second death star. Pieces just hanging out there, metal beams sticking out with that unfinished look to it. If you can imagine that in a musical sense, that's what this song sounds like at the end. I dunno. I think this could be filled out more than it is. And the standard pluck-synth gets old pretty quickly. Maybe I'm a bit biased because I love this particular tune, but if anything that will just make me judge it more critically. So:



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